Donalacasa's Daybook: Monday, November 27, 2017

Outside my window...
Absolutely beautiful! Sunshine and 70s, my favorite kind of weather. Friend Hubby and I
ate our Shabbat lunch outside on the back porch and on Sunday, we rode our bikes nearly 3
miles, which is a record for me. He is helping me build my endurance. I am able, so far, to
go half a mile on level ground without stopping to rest. This has been a blessing. The
melancholia Friend Hubby has been battling over the past month seems to lift for longer
when we ride. In addition, we are using a bedtime essential oil in our room, magnesium, melatonin plus 5HTP, and SAM-e in the mornings along with Super B complex and a lamp
in his office that simulates daylight because his office doesn't have any windows.
I am thankful...
The Grand Duchess took the entire family out to eat at a VERY nice restaurant for Friend
Hubby's birthday. I know that is something she has been wanting to do for a very long time.
It was a beautiful evening. We got dressed up and even chauffeured down to the restaurant
by Crown Prince Sanban. The parent-child role reversal is surreal. I am wearing... I thought the best time for me to produce a Daybook, if I'm going to get one done, is after
Shabbat ends, even though it won't be published until Monday. For Shabbat, I wore a
burgundy knit top with a pair of jeans (no house-guests today, just family). My headscarf
had some of the same specks of burgundy along with some tan and green. I wore a pair of
dangling earrings that were a birthday gift from Sister Elegant and a long gold necklace
with gold interlocking rings.
I am reading...
Since I have ended up having to take English 1 and 2 again (my credits didn't transfer), I
have decided to go back to reading historical fiction before sleeping to help me relax. I
went digging around in the office for a good book to read from The Grand Duchess' stash.
I found The Devil in the White City. I have read 40% of it so far. There are two different
story lines going on at once. I keep waiting for them to merge. I am watching...
I changed my settings to see a different group of people in Facebook, some are friends that I
don't follow. Among them is one of Dancing Angel's closest friends who had recently
announced her pregnancy, but in doing so produced a spoiler for This is Us. Nooooooo!!!!!
I was 3 episodes behind so I decided to binge watch them. If you know anything about the
show, you know how emotional it is. In the midst of my watching, Princess Butterfly texts
me a preview of her high school graduation announcement. Really??? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

I am listening to...
Anthony Brown's Trust In You, Cry Your Last Tear by Bishop Paul S. Morton, and James Fortune's I Believe. Those songs have helped me today.
I am learning...
Patience. When you have been blessed with good health all your life, you have little patience for chronic illness or something that is not a quick fix. I'm learning to slow down, listen more carefully, speak quieter, pray and WAIT, stop playing the blame game, thicken my skin to hear what is actually being said, stop reacting to everything with anger, let go of my know-it-all/controlling attitude, and to practice good self-care. When I try to hurry the process along, I sometimes get 2 steps forward and 3 steps back.

One of my favorite things...
Listening to my children comment on the Scriptures. They make me smile. From the learning rooms...
So, as I mentioned earlier, Princess Butterfly is doing all the things preparing to graduate high school in the spring. I'm trying to savor every moment of this year. We have our college/co-op schedule all set for next semester. At the moment, I am taking classes from two different community college campuses. Next semester, we have streamlined to be able to take 2 of hers and 3 of mine at the same campus on the same days. That means that one day a week, I won't have to leave the house at all. I am so happy about that.

My first anatomy and physiology test was a breeze. I got a 91%. It was everything I typed on a regular basis, but as the semester has progressed and I am working less and studying other things more, my grades have steadily dropped. My last two tests were in the 60s. I was very happy to find out that the test I took last Thursday I scored an 89% on. If I can do the same for the next one, I think I can get a B out of the class. I have a French exam tomorrow. I have not scored above a C on any written French test this semester. It is most disappointing. I am hoping my test tomorrow will change that. From the kitchen...
My latest breakfast obsession is frozen hashbrowns with Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage Crumbles sprinkled in. I made Friend Hubby some for his birthday.
Shalom and blessings!
