Monday, March 13, 2017

Outside my window...

A beautiful 67 degrees. Perfect spring break weather. It was cold this weekend, but we had another all-day rainy Shabbat so it was great.

I am thinking...

On Friday, I got to spend the whole day with my son. It was a rare occurrence. For some
strange reason, his university has spring break a week ahead of ours. He was off last week
while Princess Butterfly and I were in the midst of midterms. On Friday, we dropped
Princess Butterfly off at work and spent the whole day touring model homes. That's our
thing. In the morning, we did modest sized and priced homes. In the afternoon, we drove
into the Hill Country and toured one of the homes that probably start at $600,000 base price.

During the course of the day, we realized that on my blog, my girls have royal names, The
Grand Duchess and Princess Butterfly, but Sanban (who used to be Boy Wonder when the
blog began) does not have a royal title. Being the heir apparent as only son by the traditional
rites of succession, we discussed calling him Emporer Sanban (which would likely enrage The
Grand Duchess who is looking for a small island nation to rule), but I cannot call him that
while his father is on the throne of our pretend family kingdom. Therefore, I hereby proclaim
on this 14th day of the 12th biblical month (coincidently Purim), from henceforth Sanban will
be known as Crown Prince Sanban. As Naruhito, Crown Prince of Japan (皇太子徳仁親王
Kōtaishi Naruhito Shinnō?, born 23 February 1960) is the elder son of Emperor Akihito and
Empress Michiko, which makes him the heir apparent to the Chrysanthemum Throne, so
Crown Prince Sanban is the heir apparent to the Sunflower Throne. So let it be written, so let
it be done.

I am thankful...

After Shabbat service, Friend Hubby said he was driving my white Cadillac to take our son
back to Baylor. He just came home with a much newer red Cadillac in honor of my upcoming
birthday where I will become a woman of a "certain age." Knock me over with a wet noodle!
It has bells and whistles I have yet to learn. The color is called red obsession so I have named
her Miss Scarlett. It is much too small for Friend Hubby to drive, however. He has hit his
head quite hard getting in and out of it. :-(

I am watching...

I have been getting into This is Us. I am about halfway through the season. I need to finish
it before spoilers ruin it for me.

One of my favorite things...

Princess Butterfly and I went to a teahouse (to distract me while Friend Hubby was getting
the car, apparently). It was great so when she asked to return with her friend for a shopping
day, that's where I hung out.

Also while I was there, I had a long conversation with one of The Grand Duchesses friends
when she was a teenager. She was homeschooled from a large family. My conversation with
her reminded me of why we homeschooled in the first place. We talked about her recent trips
to Europe. Because so many homeschool families in our area put a heavy emphasis on
knowing history, when a student of history goes into places where history happened, it
changes you and sometimes you need to talk to someone who has traveled as well to be able to
express your emotions about what you have felt and seen. It is hard to travel and come back
to the States and try talk to people who haven't traveled. I totally understand. Talking about
it is almost like being there again, especially if you're talking about someone who has been in
the same place. Even though we lived overseas when our children were small, I can't wait for
them to travel so they can come back and we can talk about it. I know I've said that before.

From the learning rooms...

We're on spring break, but I am using it to try to get caught up on all my studies. I have such
a great desire to become fluent in French. I have changed the language on my Facebook page
to French so it is like immersion to try to understand it better. Instead of saying "like," it says
"J'aime." On the Tuesday following spring break, I have a French oral exam where I will have
to have a conversation completely in French. I have also added a French spell checker to my
Chrome browser. I have even found some free French children's books online that I can read.

Bonjour! Je m'appelle Donalacasa. Je suis étudiante a la collège dans mon quartier. Je suis
en cours du lundi au jeudi. Je étudie le français, l'histoire, et les mathématiques. Le cour de
français et l'histoire sont très intéressante, mais les maths sont très difficile.

Noticing that...

I used to pray through all of my Power of a Praying.... books every day before I started school,
but I haven't had the time. Last week, I decided that I would pray the chapter that
corresponded with last Sunday's date and pray that same subject throughout the week. Last
week, the prayer for my adult children was to know their purpose. Well, a couple of days ago,
The Grand Duchess announced that she is going to apply for Harvard School of Law. Wow.

A peek into my day...

ME: Princess Butterfly, go upstairs and see if you can find my sunglassess.
ME: (confused, then revelation): No? Nevermind. *sigh* (life when you are a woman of a "certain" age)
