Donalacasa's Daybook: Monday, March 27, 2017

Outside my window...

I am feeling so poorly this week! I feel like all of this is inside my respiratory system right
now. Ugh!

I am thankful...

Abba saw fit for me to reach the level of a "Woman of a Certain Age"! LOL! I am so thankful
for all of His blessings. In my grandmother's church, as a little girl, I would always hear the
older people say, "I'm thankful for the activity of my limbs, the articulation of my speech,
enclosed in my right mind with the blood running warm in my body." We used to mark them,
but now I know how important it is not to take ANY of it for granted. I know people younger
than I whose bodies are falling apart. I feel like now is more important than ever to maintain
what Yah has given me. I am so thankful for all the friends and loved ones who took the time
to bless me with their presence and their greetings, remembering Yah's allowing me to see
another year and rejoicing WITH me for His grace. My love language is "quality time" and
while the gifts and flowers were wonderful, for me, just to know that someone took time out
of their day to spend time with me blesses me completely. One friend took me out to lunch,
others drove for hours just to be here, still others tuned in to the service HGHC and that is a
blessing too. Next week, if Yah says the same, I will post more pictures of my gifts when I
am feeling better.

I am reading...

I am SOOOOO close to finding out who did it in New England White! The Grand Duchess
bought me The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane so I am itching to get started on that too.

One of my favorite things...

Sharing my heart with sisters in the Messiah who know me so well and love me anyway.

A few plans for the rest of the week...


From the learning rooms...

I am actually being wise and resting. I did not go to class today and I'm not going tomorrow
either so that I can completely recover and get my essay done.

Pondering these words...
