Monday, August 8, 2016

Outside my window...  

The Grand Duchess and I went shopping yesterday and the car thermometer said 101 degrees.  It dawned on me that I hadn't been outside in the daytime in several days.  

I am thinking...

I completely missed publishing out a Daybook last week.  My spies... uh, I mean children have been asking about it.  I am trying to get my life back on track.  This summer I have been so scattered.  Of course as soon as you try to do that everything else goes wonky, right?  Last week I spent hours in the emergency room with Friend Hubby.  After 3 friends becoming widowed within the last 6 months, it took all my energy to focus on the problem at hand.  Come to find out, he has kidney stones.  Add that to the growing list of things we never had to deal with in our youth.  This growing old business must be for us what "adulting" is for The Grand Duchess's generation.  One of her friends posted this status on Facebook the other day, "Adulting is 75% paperwork, 20% panic, and 5% googling things to figure out what the paperwork is asking."  LOL!  True.  Add to that asking, "Do you have a payment plan?"  

Friend Hubby's sense of humor hasn't diminished.  He hasn't drank any coffee in a few days.  He says he's walking around feeling like he's not all there.  Then he asked me how I live like that.  Rude!  

I am thankful...  

That the trip to the emergency room wasn't life-threatening.  

I am wearing... 

A really old T shirt and knit pants.  

I am creating...  

I have not picked up my knitting since the road trip, probably because it is too hot to feel all that yarn in my lap!  I have friends who are trying to branch out my crafting arena.  One has been tagging me in step-by-step photos of making a T shirt quilt.  Another has invited me into a sewing group on Facebook.    

I am reading...  

I am binge reading Stephen L. Carter books.  I just ordered a couple off of Amazon.  One is New England White, which have been wanting to read for some time now.  He doesn't really have sequels, but other than the first book I read, The Impeachment of Abraham Lincoln, all the other books have a couple of crossover characters some time along their timeline from the late 1950s to present day.  It's like a Where's Waldo of character searches in his books.  The other book is called Back Channel.  Amazon allowed me to preview it on my Kindle app so I have already read the first two chapters.  I'm hooked!    

I am also reading The Black Calhouns: From Civil War to Civil Rights with One African American Family.  It is a family history that begins just before the Civil War and follows the ancestors of Lena Horn.  It also discusses the formation of HBCUs and the beginnings of Jim Crow.  

I am watching...  

I was relaxing late Shabbat afternoon watching Hee Haw.  I grew up in the 70s and spent my summers in Kansas.  Don't judge me!.   

I am listening to...  


For My Grand Duchess.  It seems Yah is taking her through a season of learning patience.  Those are never fun, are they?  She is waiting for her "grown-up job."  She actually let that slip during an interview for a "in the meantime" job.  I cracked up when she told me.  I am highly skilled at putting my foot in my mouth.  I could definitely relate.  LOL!!!!  Nevertheless, the same Mighty One who was able to take her through 6 years of college, is faithful to bring her to the right job at the right time.  "Look your neighbor in the eye and say neighbor, I am convinced that God WILL show up!" 

I am hoping to...  

Get a part-time job either at the library, as a patient registrar, or as a medical receptionist.  Getting paid by production and then having the job run out of work to do is for the birds!  I need to get paid for showing up and answering the phone.  

From the learning rooms... 

College Freshman:  

Move in day is T - 1 week.  I want life to go in slow motion this week.  I want to follow him around and stare at him.  Maybe I'll just show up at the restaurant he works at and get sit at a table facing him.  I'm pretty sure he'd tell Friend Hubby on me and he'd make me go home.  Phooey!  I am still praying that he will be diligent and apply for several scholarships before classes begin.    

High School Junior:  

I'm busy selling curriculum so I can buy more curriculum for this year.  

Back-to-school Mom:  

I am all registered and ready to start.  I bought notebooks and colored pens.  My very own school supplies!  I bought Ampad Gold Fibre Retro Wirebound Letter-Size Legal Pads before they ran out of them for a couple of reasons.  For one, I am left handed and the spiral runs across the top rather than along the left side of the page.  It won't get in my way.  The other reason is that back when I first learned about my MTBI personality type, I watched a video on effective study methods and notetaking based on my personality type.  This paper is lined on one side and graph paper gridded on the other.  I am going to use the lined side to take notes while I'm reading and the graph paper to draw idea webs during lectures.  I'm so excited!  My classes are African American History, World Literature, Public Speaking, and Humanities.  

From the kitchen... 

Beans, Rice, and Grains...  

Last week I made canned vegetarian baked beans with ground beef for Shabbat.  I also sauteed yellow pepper and onions on the side.  The Grand Duchess doesn't like peppers.  


I can't believe we have not had chicken salad for a Shabbat all summer!  I love the way I have learned to make it.  I used to roast a whole chicken and then pull it all off the bird.  Ain't nobody got time for dat!  Now I buy frozen boneless chicken thighs from Costco and cook them in the crock pot.  When they're done, I strain them, put them in the refrigerator to cool and then cut them up.  I added chopped celery, dehydrated onions, sweet pickle relish, and season to taste.  I think I might like to try it with chopped radishes one day.  

Honor where honor is due:
