Monday, July 25, 2016

Outside my window...

It's raining, is pouring, the dachshund is snoring! 

I am thinking...  

About the wonderful visit we had yesterday with our friends who are vacationing from their home in Switzerland.  The husband is African American, the wife is African from Mozambique.  Their kids have been educated in Swiss schools.  They speak English because of their father, Portuguese because of their mother, and French with one another.  The oldest daughter also said she took Spanish in school.  The Grand Duchess remembers the parents before they moved, and the husband's mother, who lives locally, has been adopted by our family as a surrogate grandmother figure.  They are thinking about moving back to the states because Switzerland can be so cloudy and overcast that it is quite depressing.  I can relate to that but at the same time if I had the chance to move somewhere else other than America, I would probably be packing now.  Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for all of our American benefits and conveniences, but unless you have ever lived in America, you might not understand the mental, social, and emotional challenges of living here (particularly in an election season).  I spent the first 12 years of my adult life outside of America.  I guess you could say that I am a Third Culture Adult.  The Grand Duchess is a "third culture kid" (Third culture kid (TCK) is a term used to refer to children who were raised in a culture outside of their parents' culture for a significant part of their development years.)  She could relate to some of the challenges that their children will have upon reentry to life in the U.S.  I have always said that I would live in The Nethelands if I could.  I would even brave the cold for that.  I came across this video.  See for yourself how tranquil it is.  

We also had a great talk about the Scriptures.  We were all together in ministry together at the time of Dancing Angel's passing.  As a matter of fact, they were the first to the hospital when she was admitted.  They also owned a moving company and had moved us into our house from the apartment.  We are still living in this house today.          

I am thankful...  

My Sanban made it safely through his college orientation and is back home for a few weeks.  I know he's ready to go, but I am hanging on as long as I can.     
I am reading...  

Did I tell you I finished reading Jericho's Fall?  What a thriller!  I picked up Colored People in Half Price Books before I went on vacation but I haven't put much of a dent in it.  

I am looking forward to...  

Finding out what my school financial package is going to be so I can start getting books for school.  It took me several hours to get registered because I have to make sure nothing overlaps.  

I am learning...  

I have started studying French with the Duolingo app.   My ancestry is French Creole and I have been told that my African ancestry is from the country of Gabon, which is also a French speaking country.  I have always had a love for the French language.  My aunt, who was more like an older sister to me, took it in high school and used to teach me.  When I took it in junior high, I got high grades in it.  The Grand Duchess was born in Germany and picked up German easily.  Sanban was born in Okinawa and picked up Japanese easily.  I think there is a reason for French coming easy to me.  I hope Duolingo starts teaching Hebrew.  I like their teaching method.  

Around the house...

Zone 4 (Master Bedroom, bath, closet):...  Definitely spent some time working on cleaning in the master bathroom.  I am behind on my vacuuming and I keep misplacing my duster.  

Honor where honor is due:
