Monday June 20, 2016

Outside my window...  

First day of summer.  It's 90 so I won't see outside very much for the next 3 months.  My mind is actually on getting ready for Sukkot in October!  

I am thinking...  

I am still kind of disappointed that we didn't get to go on vacation last week.  However, I am still in an attitude of trust that Abba knows what is best for us.  Our family vacations always mark a shift in the atmosphere for us and we are anxious for change.  If you understand principalities, you know that when you dwell in a place for a certain length of time, you begin to think like the principality over that area wants you to think, but it only happens when you've been there for a while.  I have been teaching on the book of Ruth on Shabbat.  In the beginning, Elkanah and his family went to dwell (temporary) in Moab, but Naomi ended up staying there for 10 years.  Rather than returning to Israel to find wives for her sons, they obtained wives there.  As much as we love where we live, we understand that a sojourn to another area is necessary to clear up the old thinking patterns that our minds have gotten stuck with.  We need to get out on the road so we can THINK!  

I have started looking around for a part time library job to supplement my transcription.  I am really just burned out with it.  In the process of getting my resume ready, I added homeschool teacher and Girl Scout leader to it.  I went online to research the job responsibilities of professions like preschool teacher, kindergarten teacher, guidance counselor, governess, and headmistress.    

I am thankful...  

Sanban and Princess Butterfly took the whole family out to eat for Father's Day on Saturday night.  They were working on Sunday (they ended up working open to close), plus we really don't like crowded restaurants.  We used to refer to them as "the babies."  Look at how the babies have grown up and are taking care of the family!  <3

I am wearing...  

I got a new top from Cato.  I would show it to you, but I don't see it on their website.  It is this top in this solid red color.  I really like how low it comes on my hips.  I had bought some capri leggings to wear with it.  Um, no.  Not unless I get them in a couple of sizes larger, which is not a problem because they do actually sell them that size.    
I am reading...  

I have gone back to my new favorite author's work.  At the moment I am reading Jericho's Fall by Stephen L. Carter.  It's a suspense thriller (not Stephen King blood and guts, just plenty of action).  I haven't read much, but I'm already drawn in.    

I am learning...  

Sunday morning, I got sucked into some genealogy and learned that my on of my husband's 2nd great grand uncles was married to the widow of Paul Laurence Dunbar.  THE Paul Laurence Dunbar!  What????  My mother went to Paul Laurence Dunbar Grammar School!  I miss my mother when I make these kinds of discoveries.  She would have gotten so excited about it with me!  The next book I read is going to be, "Lyrics of Sunshine and Shadow: The Tragic Courtship and Marriage of Paul Laurence Dunbar and Alice Ruth Moore."  After having read "Their Eyes were Watching God," my reading repertoire of early to mid 20th century black authors is growing.  


A few plans for the rest of the week:  

Friend Hubby's stepfather got a bad report from the doctor.  Because of his personality, his worry and fear often come out as anger.  I want to make sure that I am understanding of this and not reacting to it.  this will necessitate much prayer and focus.  

From the learning rooms... 

College Freshman:   So Sanban was at work and got a notification about a change in his financial aid once I learned how to go into FAFSA and link it to IRS.  I was all excited, thinking he was going to get some extra money.  They DECREASED his need based scholarship by $100.  *sigh*

Back-to-school Mom:  Apparently, I did not attend a college that I thought I did while we were stationed in the Azores; however, since I mentioned it to the community college, I cannot move forward with class registration until I get a letter from that college stating that I never attended there.  *sigh*

Noticing that... 

Shockingly, on Shabbat, our dachshund bit a young woman in our congregation.  I was shocked!  She has let her pet her before.  The young woman had done nothing to provoke her.  She was just throwing her chicken bones into the trashcan and the dog bit her foot.  I was very upset with her.  We believe that we are her 3rd owners and that the 1st owners must not have been very nice to her, so she is unpredictable in her friendliness.  She gives mixed signals.  She may bark or snap while getting into position for a belly rub.  I want to come up with the money to have her professionally trained.  The best in my area runs $180.  In the Dog Manners class, they teach "Sit, Down, Leave It, Loose Leash Walking, Stay, Recall, Emergency Recall, Greeting People, Greeting Dogs, Shake and Roll-over. Additional skills will be taught as time permits." 

There is another course that is $225.  This is the description:  
During this course, you will learn:

  • Skills to manage your dog's reactive behavior
  • An assortment of training techniques to help make your dog more successful and confident in challenging situations
  • Leash handling skills to help your dog and you become more confident out in public. 
  • How to read your dog’s body language so you can anticipate your dog's behavior
  • How to calm your dog  in a variety of situations
  • Your dog will learn new, more productive behaviors to manage his or her stress in new situations.  More suitable behaviors include looking away, sniffing the ground and focusing on you. 
We also took a trip to the Kosher grocery store.  It was interesting.  We met a very nice helpful Jewish young man who didn't at all seem put off about our inquiries and requests for Facon (which they sell in another brand  and call it beef fry).  I usually get the nitrite free beef bacon from Whole Foods, but I just wanted to see what they had to offer.  I have been racially insulted in this area before (not by the Jewish employees, but at the library next door) and I probably haven't been back there for nearly 5 years.  I was very comfortable there and look forward to going back.    

Pondering these words...  

I think Facebook and I need some time apart.  It needs to become my watering hole at the end of the day, not my source of news and entertainment keeping me distracted during the day.  I've tried to take a break before, but it can be so addictive.  The main problem is my wall.  Because of my empathic nature, my emotions get drawn into the drama on the wall.  This is exactly why Yah pulled me away from soap operas.  Facebook is a soap opera with real people.  There are days when it has me so depressed.  I was in Costco yesterday with Friend Hubby and The Grand Duchess, but my mind was on something I had read earlier in the day that had brought me down.  I found myself complaining to Yah that I never wanted to live in the times that we are currently living in.  I found myself glad for family members who have passed on and did not have to see and experience what we deal with today.  

The Devil is a liar!  I have been called to the Kingdom for such a time as this!  Get thee behind me, Facebook!  I am challenging myself to stay off of my Facebook wall while the sun is up during the daylight hours.  I can still access Donalacasa:  The Lady of the House through my Page Manager app.  I can still communicate in groups with the Facebook Groups app.  I can still communicate through Facebook Messenger through that app.  All of these apps are on my tablet, not on my phone, but staying off my Facebook wall is going to increase my productivity and my joy, I'm sure of it.  

Around the house...

Zone 5 (Living Room, Family Room):... Worrying about Friend Hubby worrying about his father, I did get on of the "hot spots" that FlyLady speaks of cleared off.  There is a table in my family room that collects mail.  I also got out my homemade window cleaner and cleaned off the mirrors and the glass in our German wall unit.  Also, The Grand Duchess mentioned on a Facebook post that she has seen her dad wash dishes more than her mom.  Hello!  I was TRAINING people to one day run their houses.  Somebody washed dishes before she was old enough and when Friend Hubby was at work.  Yesterday, I unloaded the dishwasher and washed the pots and pans.  This is usually Princess Butterfly's job, but she was at work.  This morning, I took the trash out.  This is usually Sanban's job, but he was at work.  Rest assured, that the household will still run when the nest is empty.  

Honor where honor is due:
