Monday, May 16, 2016

From Pinterest

Outside my window...  It was raining as I fell asleep last night.  I love to fall asleep to the sound of the rain.  

I am thinking...  About the passing of one of my high school classmates.  We barely knew each other in high school but I have come to enjoy our exchanges on Facebook over the past few years.  Just last week, he welcomed his 5th grandbaby into the world.  I was amazed after coming to my 20th high school reunion how many of my classmates had gone into the ministry.  He was one.  I confess, I took his death harder than one would expect since we've only talked over Facebook.  Maybe it's just knowing someone my age has died.  He and his wife, who is also one of my classmates (they were true high school sweethearts), co-authored a book called True Blue: Living with Mental Illness in the Shadow of the Steeple.  My heart goes out to her.  

I am thankful... My sassy little girl, The Grand Duchess, the one who has always loved big words.  She wanted to be a paleontologist, then a forensic anthropologist.  This past Saturday, she received her masters degree in Museum Studies and has become a museologist so that she can take good care of everything the paleontologists and the forensic anthropologists find (but really she just wants to get paid to touch things).  Now we are praying for her grown up job.  I have seen Yehovah take her through 6 years of college and made ways out of no way.  He's got this!  He has proven Himself continuously and there is NOTHING too hard for Him so we thank Him in advance for what He is going to do.   

I am wearing... Shorts.  It was hot today.  

I am creating...   I need to FINISH!!!! 

I am reading...  I need a new book.  

I am listening to....  While Friend Hubby and I were getting ready for our daughter's graduation, we were listening to this really good message.  

I am watching...  The same day my classmate passed away, at dinner Friend Hubby and I watched a very moving episode of Star Trek TNG, Season 5, Episode 25.  Captain Jean Luc Picard was mentally captured by a probe of a long-extinct civilization.  He lives a lifetime, becoming a father and a grandfather within 25 minutes of Enterprise time.  The probe's purpose was to leave a memory of a dying planet so that someone would know that they had existed and how they lived.  As frequently encounter Facebook posts that my classmate was tagged in, I am learning about how well he lived, how many lives he touched, how deeply he will be missed by those who knew him best.  He didn't waste his life.  He gave of his time, his talent, and his heart.  That's the way to live.     

One of my favorite things...  Getting to meet one of The Grand Duchess's friends.  I told her she's now an honorary member of the family.  

A few plans for the rest of the week:   Round 2 and 3!  Sanban graduates from high school and Princess Butterfly gets her 3rd degree black belt.      

From the learning rooms... 
Senior:  Finals in physics and pre-calculus this week.  

Sophomore:  Finals in chemistry.  She also had a great improvement in her practice SAT.  It's also time for her to register for her fall college classes at the community college.  We will need to talk to an adviser about what she will need to take to get in to the business school that she wants to get in to.  
Honor where honor is due: *

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