Monday, April 18, 2016

Outside my window... We've gotten 0.78 inch of rain in the last 24 hours.  It's a nice 73 degrees outside.  

I am thinking... I still haven't heard back from my maid of honor's cousin.  I hope it won't be another 3 years before I hear back from him.  

I am thankful... That I made it through my sleep study and I actually slept with all those wires attached.  I have to wait for the results.  There were wires on my face, my scalp, on my chest, attached to my finger, and around my torso.  Because I have anxiety induced insomnia, I did a LOT of prep work to get ready.  You would think I would do all of that to get ready for bed every night.  First of all, I was up walking the dog for 15 minutes first thing in the morning and I did a lot of cleaning that day.  I finished eating dinner before 8 p.m.  I drank my chamomile tea at 9 p.m. and got into a warm bubble bath with Epsom salts in it.  Just before I went out the door, I took a couple of melatonin and Motrin because my Achilles was hurting me from all the cleaning I had done.  My appointment was 10 p.m.  It was an 8 minute drive over there and when I got there he wanted me to fill out MORE paperwork.  By the time I got my pajamas on, did about 15 minutes of stretching, and then got all wired up I was SO ready to fall asleep.  I had hoped that I wouldn't have to wake up to go to the restroom, but I did once because of the tea.  I am glad it's over though.  
Star Trek Voyager:  The Borg Queen
I am wearing... Some comfies.  I went to physical therapy this morning and I have a Girl Scout meeting this afternoon.  

I am reading... Their Eyes were Watching God.  This afternoon I started following along with the analysis in SparkNotes.  

I am listening to....  Friend Hubby was playing old Commissioned last week and this song just stuck out as I prepare to release one more of my children to adulthood.

I am watching...  I am SO glad that The Carol Burnett Show is on YouTube now.  "A merry heart does good like a medicine."

I am looking forward to... Pesach and the Feast of Unleavened Bread this weekend.  

One of my favorite things... Being able to bless The Grand Duchess with her graduation gown and master's degree hood.  <3  

From the learning rooms... 
Senior:  So.....  This is the section that I have been thinking most about.  This past weekend, we went to the university Sanban plans to attend, The Grand Duchess' alma mater.  This means we've got one going out and one going in.  Sanban is a perfectionist.  He won't give us any information on anything he is contemplating until he has made his final decision.  While I'm thinking he is melting his brain on Pokemon, he's actually thinking.  And thinking.  And thinking.  He won't make a decision until he has all the information he feels he needs.  Once his final decision is made, however, there is no turning back.  

So while at the university this weekend, I lost my little boy forever.  Although manhood biblically begins at 20, he's out of the gate, feet on the road.  He informed us of his decisions for his life.  He's going to be a film and digital media major and in the Air Force ROTC.  Boom!  Just like that.  Childhood is over.  Put your pencils down, close your books.  The exam is done.  That's what it feels like.  Now we wait for the results.  Now we wait to see what kind of man he will become.  

Letting go is always hard.  There was an article on Facebook called 13 Signs Your Kid is Graduating from High School and You're Totally Losing It.  Yep.  That's where I am.  I also saw a video on Facebook that says that male children's DNA gets in their mother's brains.  Yep, those boys like to mess with their mother's heads.   

This also came across my feed.  I think Yehovah was trying to tell me some things today, right?  

And there was another this morning.  

So there you have it.  I guess that I have to promote my prayers for him to the Power of Praying for Your Adult Child.  *sigh*  

Sophomore:  I have to begin to really look into business type courses.  Maybe she can take accounting next year.  

My schooling:  I have to finish getting myself registered.  My goal is to write homeschool history curriculum that is less Euro-centric as so much of our available curriculum is.  Even studies of other continents is told from a Euro-perspective.  History should be told from the perspective of those who lived it.  Today I heard that Oklahoma decided to teach about the 1921 Tulsa race riot.  I'm so glad my children were not bound in what was available for them to learn that their education didn't have to be decided by a committee.      

From the kitchen...  I had started working on my pantry, but I hadn't gotten back to it.  I need to make sure I do that this week.  

On Sunday, all of the posts on Donalacasa:  The Lady of the House were recipes for the upcoming Feast of Unleavened Bread.  This is a Feast, not a fast.  It is a time of rejoicing and food is associated with celebration.  

Honor where honor is due: *

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