Monday, February 15, 2016

Outside my window...  Sunny and 70 -- in February!  I love it even if my allergies don't.  

I am thinking...
  • About a woman I've never met, but we have been praying for her since we found out about her situation.  On Monday morning, her husband, sole provider, and father of her 6 children passed away.  He worked from home and they homeschooled.  They must have been a very tight knit family.  They have more sons than daughters.  Young men manifest grief in anger or in withdrawal.  I am continuing to pray for this family.  The husband had set up a website to -- in faith -- discuss his miraculous recovery.  On the site is a PayPal account so if you would like to be a blessing to this widow and her orphaned children, please click on "Current Needs."  The Greene 8.  (James 1:26-27)  "If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is worthless.  Clean and undefiled religion before the Elohim and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."  
  • About my cousin whom I found out was hospitalized this morning.  
I am thankful...
  • Princess Butterfly had her second highest cookie booth sale ever!  We were limited this year by the number of locations we were able to sell at.  We thought it was going to hinder our sales.  Not at all!  It just put us in more demand.  Having the ability to swipe credit cards at the booths has been a plus too.  
  • Sanban was accepted to The Grand Duchess' alma mater.  I keep hearing that this is no easy school to get into so I am abundantly thankful.  When I look back at all the crazy looks and negative feedback we got over our decision to homeschool, I'm thankful that Yehovah gave us the strength to endure and we are seeing the fruit of our diligence and faith.  
  • Yah has provided a small group of achoti (sisters) online who were interested in exploring the Torah from the beginning.  I was thinking the other day that when we're finished, we can open it up and lead other women as well.  It would be awesome to see a cascading effect happen.  
  • I asked a question on my Girl Scout service unit's Facebook page about borrowing a book for Princess Butterfly.  I got no response, but within a half hour my doorbell rang and another leader handed me a book and said, "Keep it."  HalleluYah!  
I am wearing...I'm probably dressed too warm for the weather.  I'm wearing a sweatshirt and knit pants.  

I am creating...  Princess Butterfly is sick today so no knitting at the cookie booths.  I may not have any work to do today since it's a government holiday so I should get some done.  

I am going... To my son's last Boy Scout meeting where he will summarize his career in scout.  *sigh*  When Dancing Angel passed away, I looked into Girl Scouts for The Grand Duchess so that she could develop friendships with girls in our neighborhood.  When Sanban heard that his sister was joining the Girl Scouts he asked, "Is there any such thing as Boy Scouts?"  LOL  As a matter-of-fact, there is.  Friend Hubby and I have a policy about our children.  We require them to finish things.  If they set a goal, we hold them to that.  In spite of the Boy Scout's policy change in recent years about permitting openly gay Boy Scouts (although if people actually read the policy they would find out that childhood promiscuity in general, homosexual or heterosexual, is NOT conducive to the values of Scouting, but we all know how Facebook gets read like it's the newspaper, right?)  We persevered in spite of the bad press.  The origins of Scouting values was conducive to Scripture when it started out.  "A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent."  

I am reading...  Oh my goodness!  I was reading my book while waiting for the sheets on my bed to dry and just when it was time to move onto other things it REALLY got good.  I'm at 73%, likely at the denouement of A Free Man of Color.  

Pondering these words... The most wisdom-filled meme I've seen all week.  I appreciate it even more because Chuck Swindoll is probably a great-grandfather by now.  Been there, done that where parenting is concerned.  As my late pastor's wife, Mother Ophelia Ephraim would say, "I ain't telling you what I HEARD, I'm telling you what I KNOW."  

I am looking forward to... Longer days.  My workdays have been cut short since I don't typically work past sunset most days.  I need to start making money again.  LOL

I am learning...That Yah is still answering prayers, even if it comes in ways you don't expect it!  Miss Sophia left me with a nugget from our last "women's conference" (that my daughters claim was entirely too long because I was off the grid and then punished me by making me run all over creation before I could find a lady's room).  Sometimes you just need to look at things from a different perspective.  This is why we can be assured of this verse.  

One of my favorite things... Going up to have dinner with The Grand Duchess.  Having my family together is always a blessing!  

A few plans for the rest of the week:   If Princess Butterfly is feeling better, we may do a couple of cookie booths this week, depending on her schedule.     

From the learning rooms... 
Senior:  As I mentioned earlier, Sanban was accepted to the same university that The Grand Duchess is graduating from with her master's degree in May.  He's still waiting to hear from another as well.      

Sophomore:   Princess Butterfly came home last week with a 100% on her chemistry quiz.  This has been a challenging class for her.  It is good to see progress.  

I am watching...The Grand Duchess' latest video.  To have your children rise up and call you blessed is a heartwarming thing.  

From the kitchen...  On Sunday, I got to do some food prep work.  I made chili for our lunch and Chocolate Waffle mix for our breakfast.  

Around the house...  Okay, but really.  I need to get my seeds started already.   

Honor where honor is due: *

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