Monday, November 9, 2015

Outside my window... It's a little brisk this morning in the 50s.  The highs this week are going to be in the 70s.  Just my style!  

I am thinking... About how social media trolls get on my last nerve.  My manner of dealing with a troll is not different in dealing with an unruly guest in my home.  Tell them the rules of your house and if they won't behave, send them packing.  I have noticed someone that I have rebuked in the past beginning to hang around my page, liking my posts, sharing them on their page but adding a comment to beat people over the head with it.  Sanban and I have discussed doing a social media fast.  I can't really do it completely because of Donalacasa:  The Lady of the House, but this morning, I was very selective about looking through my notifications.  I only clicked on the ones that said "So and so has commented on YOUR post."  I think this meme is accurate.  
Most of the internet trolls I have met are very controlling, narcissistic people in real life.  They want validation in the worst way possible.  When they don't get enough of it from their own followers, they seek a new audience on someone else's page.   

I believe this is absolutely true where trolls are concerned, and anyone for that matter.
(Proverbs 22:24-25 ISR98)  - "Make no friendship with one given to wrath, And do not go with a man of rage, lest you learn his ways, And find yourself ensnared."
The known internet trolls on my friends list are going to be cut off very soon, as soon as Yah gives me the go ahead (and possibly their enablers too).  I don't want my own reputation to be damaged by my association with them.  Someone who has seen them in action has already asked me how I know them.  Ugh!  I don't even want to be associated!  

On the other hand, I had a GREAT conversation this past week about the Leviticus 11 dietary laws and how Mark 7, Acts 10, and I Timothy 4:4 come into play.  For this type of exchange, I will gladly use social media.  It doesn't matter to me if the person agrees with my way of thinking or not as long as the conversation is respectful and enlightening.  I had to go to work, so I pointed her to some resources to help answer some of her  AND MY OWN questions.  

I am thankful... Friend Hubby and I are AMAZED at the favor of Yehovah!  In the last 2 months, the viewership for our Shabbat service has increased from an average of 60 viewers per week to over 200!  We are full of gratitude and look forward to starting some other projects soon.  You are invited to join us online at His Glory HaMishkan every Shabbat morning.  

I am wearing... Velour sweats and a long sleeved shirt.  I'm a little cool, but it will warm up in a bit.  

I am creating...  Okay, so my great aunt's shawl was supposed to be finished on September 17th, then October 17th, I HOPE I can get it done by November 17th!  LOL  I did watch a video the other day on Speed Knitting, but I have yet to put it into practice.  

I am reading...  The only thing I've read in the past week was Nella Last's War.  I am at 38%.  I am very glad that I watched Back in Time for Dinner, episode 1 because I have a better understanding of what food rationing was like for her.    

A few plans for the rest of the week:  I have diagnosed myself with an Achilles tendinitis from my sudden urge to do daily elbow planks.  I found a good YouTube video that explained it and how to treat it.  I am going to lay off the planks this week.  I iced and elevated it last night and it is beginning to feel better already.  Honestly, I was surprised at how quickly I saw improvement.       

From the learning rooms... 
Senior:  I feel like SOME things have gotten caught up from our Feast Day season.  Sanban has raised his grade in his college U.S. History class.  I am disappointed that he won't be able to take Japanese 4 next semester.  It is too far away and the professor has a poor rating.  He and his classmates would really like to take it again with the same instructor, but college politics won't permit it.  We've got to really work on pre-cal this week.  It's very difficult to get caught up in math when you're behind.    

Sophomore:  Princess Butterfly had a group project a couple of weeks ago and got to experience what group projects are typically like.  She will have to deal with that situation all the way through college.  LOL  Again, we've really got to get to where we need to be math-wise.  I just realized this weekend that she's going to need to take the PSAT next year.  I really want her to do well on that.  One of Dancing Angel's closest friend did so well that she got a full scholarship to The Grand Duchess's alma mater.  Since that is where Princess Butterfly desires to go, I need to make sure she can do as well on this exam as possible.  

We have read 81% of Things Fall Apart.  I have been using SparkNotes along with our reading.  I read each of the chapter analyses.  Sanban did very well in college freshman English analyzing literature.  I want to make sure that Princess Butterfly has that skill as well.  I don't think she will have any problem with it.  I already have the next book that we're reading.  It is called An Artist of the Floating World.  I haven't found a free study guide online so I will just read it through.  Princess Butterfly's best friend and her mother just left for Japan this week.  I am hoping that it will pique her interest in life in other countries.  She didn't get to experience life overseas like her older sisters.  One of my Girl Scout co-leaders and I are planning to take our daughters to Europe the summer after next.  I pray that it will be safe enough to do so.  I would love to see Sanban study in Japan during his junior or senior year in college.    

The books that I am reading are a part of Lightning Literature & Composition
World I: Africa and Asia Student Guide.  I never did order the guide, but I just plan to read through the book list.  I used a different Lightning Lit study guide for The Grand Duchess's Honors English.  It is a very impressive program.  I didn't buy the study guide because I knew that Sanban would be taking college English, and Princess Butterfly is taking classical English and is reading Brit Lit this year.  I didn't want to assign them homework, but I want to continue increasing their vocabulary and appreciation for great literature.  It is interesting to me because it is a much different reading list than what The Grand Duchess and I read together when she was in high school, although because I wasn't working as many hours, we read MANY more books together then.  

They blessed me one day last week during one of our highway conversations.  They both want their children to be homeschooled.  They asked me to explain to them our homeschool philosophy.  I praise Abba!  When we first started homeschooling almost 25 years ago, people told us our children were going to grow up hating us for not putting them in school.  I am so thankful that not only are they happy to have been homeschooled, but comparing their education to those of their public schooled friends (yes, they have public school friends), they consider their education comparable to theirs in both academics and socialization.  Thank you, Abba, for keeping us faithful to the task in the face of all the naysayers!  We are reaping the fruit of our labor!  
Practical Homeschooling

From the kitchen...  I don't recall trying any new recipes this past week.  I made Fluffy Pancakes and Three Packet Roast this past week.  I had a good chuckle a few minutes ago listening to Princess Butterfly's response to the biscuit can popping open.  Neither of us is fond of that type of packaging.  LOL  I only got in one Good Eats episode last week.  I feel like his French Onion Soup recipe is WAY more complicated than mine.  When I was a very young bride, I would write letters to food companies letting them know that I was a military wife living on Terceira Island and asking them for samples, coupons, and giveaways.  The Tabasco Sauce company sent me a cookbook that contained the French Onion Soup recipe that I have always used.  I am unable to find this recipe online anywhere now.  It is a shame because it is my family's favorite.  I have made one major modification in the recipe below from their original.  Because of the fat content, I have actually HALVED the butter in the original recipe.  I still think it's excessive, but it is what makes it so satisfying in the winter.  

French Onion Soup

4 large onions, thinly sliced (approx. 6 cups)
1/4 pound butter
4 tablespoons all-­purpose flour
2 cups beef broth
2 quarts water
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1-­1/2 teaspoon salt
1-­1/2 teaspoons Tabasco pepper sauce
1 teaspoon Kitchen Bouquet
1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
2 beef bouillon cubes (I use Better than Bouillon).  
6 slices french bread
1 8-­ounce package shredded Mozzarella cheese (I use sliced Mozzarella)

Saute onions in 1/4 pound hot butter until clear. In large saucepan, melt 4 tablespoons
butter. Blend in flour and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until dark brown.
Gradually stir in beef broth. Bring to a boil. Boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Add
sauteed onions in butter, water soy sauce, salt Tabasco sauce, Kitchen Bouquet,
Worcestershire sauce and bouillon cubes. Mix well. Bring to a boil. Then cover and
simmer over low heat 30 minutes. Pour in to 6 individual cup servers and place slice of
bread on top of each. Cover each with shredded cheese. Heat under broiler until cheese
is golden and bubbly. Serve at once. Serves 6.    

Around the house... My teens love our family's annual Mishpacha meal (first Shabbat in December) that they actually have their own cleaning schedule that doesn't even include me!  LOL  What teenagers have their own deep cleaning schedule?  They have hooked up The Grand Duchess's mini fridge from college and have filled it with bottles of water and cans of sparkling water.  Too funny!.  

Honor where honor is due: *

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