Donalacasa's Daybook: Monday, April 16, 2018

Outside my window...
From the small amount of outdoors I got walking from the parking lot into the college, it was
a beautiful day. I am thinking...
That having Pickwick Tea two days in a row is too much caffeine for my system.

I am thankful...
So, let me tell you what happened.  I'm taking Honors Government and yesterday's discussion was
about BT Washington and WEB Du Bois and on black education in America.  I pretty much did most
of the talking after we separated from our groups.  It was VERY, VERY QUIET.  At the very end of the
 class, I mentioned that I had taken honors classes when in childhood and the one thing that has not
changed, even over the 30 year academic hiatus that I took to homeschool our children,  is that I am
still always the only African American in any of my honors classes.

The girl sitting next to me who is the quietest female in the room turned to me in tears and said that it
was so sad.  The others had no comment, bless their hearts.  They all rushed out of the classroom.  I
was literally the only one left in the room.

The following morning, I received an email from the college requesting me to apply to be an ambassador for the honors program.  At first I thought it was coincidental, but this afternoon my professor emailed me to
ask if I had gotten it.  He said he thought I'd be perfect for it.  As my kids say, I'm shooketh.  I pray that
if I am selected that I can hold the door open for other black students to enter.  I learned the following
day that some African American students at the college had asked the Southern Christian Leadership
Counsel to come in and examine some of what they feel are discriminatory practices of the college.
If Yah opens the door, I'm walking through it.    

I am also thankful that my dog Ella is doing better. She has lost so much weight from the issues concerning her uterine infection. I found an appetite stimulant for her on Amazon called Tomlyn Nutri-Cal for Dogs. I have her lick it off a plastic spoon, 1 teaspoon two or 3 times per day. I think it raises her blood sugar up and then drops it, making her very hungry and then she eats her food. I am planning on keeping her on it until she reaches her 17 pounds again. I also pound a dog multivitamin into a powder and add it to some canned food at the end of the day. The multivitamin contains iron and B12 so her anemia can be treated. It has taken a year to get my anemia under control so I know it's not going to be an overnight thing with her, but I am thankful that she is getting back to her old rascal self.
I am wearing...
My usual comfortable house clothes that I put on as soon as I get out of school. I am watching...
A great teaching by Achoti Huldah Dauid on A Virtuous Woman being a crown to her husband. It is perfectly complementary to what I have been sharing about the Biblical Role of Women in our ministry's Shabbat service.
I am hoping...
That several of Friend Hubby's older family members that are in the hospital all recover miraculously.

One of my favorite things...
Talking on the phone with my 8-year-old nephew Munch, my sister Clarity's oldest son. We read The Bears of Hemlock Mountain and then discussed it over the phone. We tried being penpals, but I enjoyed discussing the book with him. I miss that part of homeschooling. From the learning rooms...
I found out that I had missed a deadline on an English assignment. I was SO irritated. I really want to get caught up. I feel like I am forever behind. Also, I need sleep.
Noticing that...
Crown Prince Sanban keeps mentioning to me the fact that I said that Yah talks to me. At the moment, I had no plans to seek Yah deeper concerning anything that he might be getting himself into, but the more he asks, the more curious I get. Of course, I have always prayed for my children that when they are guilty that they would be caught. If there is something on his conscience that he wants Yah to deliver him from, I am more than willing to fast and pray for his deliverance.

Ecclesiastes 8:11  "Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is filled in them to do evil." 
3 John 1:4  "I have no greater joy than to hear of my children walking in truth."  

From the kitchen...

I have been making Friend Hubby breakfast every day of the week except Thursday when I have to leave early. I gave myself a break for Shabbat and made some quiche.

My self-care...
My iron and vitamin D levels have come up in the last 3 months with the use of supplements. I really like my doctor. I had had the same doctor for 17 years and had to get a new one. I didn't know what to expect. I have been seeing my new doctor a year and I have finally decided that I really like her. My fasting glucose levels went up from 88 last year to 96 this year. At 100, you are considered pre-diabetic. She and I discussed dieting and weight loss options. Essentially, my body no longer needs the carbs that it used to when I was running after children, so I am going to work on eliminating unnecessary carbs. I have seen my sister Clarity come down while doing the keto diet. She looked great at our uncle's funeral, but I am not ready to do another popular diet. Several years ago, I did South Beach. I lost 20 pounds and kept it off for 3 years. I had said then that I could live on the South Beach phase 2 for the rest of my life. I may need to get the book back out. She also said that I need 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per week. Renewing our YMCA membership will help with that. I need some new tennis shoes so I can do Zumba. I did 10 minutes last week. It was so fun, but the arches of my feet started hurting.

I have had to put off going to the chiropractor again until after graduation. There just isn't time. Shalom and blessings!
