Donalacasa's Daybook: Monday, April 9, 2018

Outside my window...
POLLEN, POLLEN, AND MORE POLLEN. And also, where is the sun???

I am thinking...
About the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Before it begins, there is a flurry of activity to clean our
homes of leaven. It can never be perfectly clean. That's sort of the point. Around the middle
of the 7-days the Feast lasts, I began to see clear signs that I have not completely cleared the
leaven out of ME. Leaven in our homes makes dough rise and become puffed up. Leaven in
our hearts puffs up our pride and sense of entitlement. Oh yeah. It's still in there.

I spent some beautiful time alone in the Word on Sunday morning. It was refreshing to allow
the Word to wash over me, reminding me that sometimes it is more important to listen than it
is to speak. I am thankful...
Crown Prince Sanban had ANOTHER prayer answered today. HalleluYah! I was walking Ella
around the park and just thanking Him for the "Yes" about 5 hours before Sanban got the
word. I went into my anthropology test with tears of gratitude in my eyes. It is one thing
when Yah blesses you, but it is an even greater blessing when He blesses your children. I am wearing...
My house comfies. When I get home from school, I have to be comfortable. I am reading...
The Cold War and the Color Line: American Race Relations in the Global Arena. I am reading it for my World Civilization class. I am watching...
I watched Episode 3 of Call the Midwife over the weekend. I am hoping...
Three people on Friend Hubby's side of the family are hospitalized right now, his stepfather, his uncle, and one of his father's first cousins. Praying for healing for all of them!

I am learning...
My Honors Government class read an exert of a speech by Booker T. Washington and a few chapters of W.E.B. Du Bois' The Souls of Black Folks. While we discussed the importance of black education, I pointed out that I have been in honor's classes most of my academic career and in every one of them, I am usually the only African American in the room. You could hear the crickets chirp as the class realized that I still am. Hopefully, their eyes will be opened to the inequity of the school system and that while white parents have their own reasons for homeschooling their children, black homeschoolers have the additional factor of not wanting their children to have to deal with a lottery system for gifted and talented programs.
One of my favorite things...
Playing Monopoly with The Grand Duchess and Princess Butterfly. Princess Butterfly had won the past two weeks. The Grand Duchess creamed us both. I am not expected to contend. LOL From the learning rooms...
On occasion, I have to yell at Friend Hubby to get him to remember that just because he wasn't involved in teaching academics in our homeschool does not mean that he was not an equal contributor. First of all, without his financial support, we would never have been able to do it at all. Without his emotional support, the discouraging comments from our relatives over the years might have made me give up. Secondly, they may have not learned reading, writing, and arithmetic, but our children definitely get their work ethic from him. I had to recount this last week when we were discussing The Grand Duchess's work review and Crown Prince Sanban's Air Force acceptance. He told Princess Butterfly that I was giving him a lashing and laughed when she said, "Good!"

Although I am no longer teaching academics, I am still teaching Princess Butterfly appropriate clothing for the situation. This is something that my mother would talk about all the time and I am certain, in her working years, my mother-in-law would have as well.

If THEY are wearing pajama or yoga pants, you wear jeans. If THEY are wearing jeans, you wear dress pants. If THEY are wearing dress pants, you wear a skirt suit. If THEY are wearing a skirt suit, you wear a dress. If THEY are wearing a dress, you wear an evening gown. It sounds funny, but our culture doesn't celebrate excellence, even in attire. She shook her head as she walked out of the kitchen. I turned to Friend Hubby and said, "She'll understand it better by and by." He agreed.

My self-care...
I went to the gym with Jirani on Sunday. I have to continue to stretch regularly. Shalom and blessings!
