Monday, November 2, 2015

Outside my window... Clear skies after the downpour we got last weekend.  We got calls from family across the country asking us if we were floating away.  I am thankful for their concern for us.  

I am thinking... About the terrible episode of acid reflux I had last week.  It was very reminiscent of Friend Hubby's before he got his CPAP machine.  I have GOT to lose 60 pounds.  The Grand Duchess got on me about not completing my MyFitnessPal entries.  Now that the time has changed, I'm going to be moving my workouts to the end of the day.  I hope to get my family to join me.  

I am thankful... Emotional healing.  Physical bruises can heal in days.  Emotional wounds take much longer, but Yehovah is SO faithful.  He will not allow the enemy to hold you hostage forever.  

I am wearing... Velour sweat pants and a Girl Scout T-shirt. 

I am creating... One of these days I'm going to be able to take a picture of a completed knitting project and post it in this space.  

I am going... To be attentive to my workouts this week.  Today I thought, what if I treat my strength training like the Armor of Yah, pectoral muscles are the breastplate of the body, abdominal muscles hold the belt, leg exercises for my feet to go where they should, and strong arms to take up the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit.  I guess the helmet of salvation is just having the mind to get it done.  I am increasing my planks by 5 seconds every day, taking a rest on Shabbat and having my Friday and Sunday planks be the same length.  

I may no longer be able to drink coffee on an empty stomach.  One day last week I had TERRIBLE heartburn.  Age!      

This was the Facebook status of one of my high school classmates last week. 
"Yay for the Affordable Care Act, exponentially increasing hospital costs, ridiculous copays, all coupled with my CKD and epilepsy. Just got my ER bill for $11k 😮 My copay is less but between deductibles etc it is horrendous. Oh yeah, my labs the other day were over $200! AUUGGHH! Don't know whether to laugh or cry ... I will choose laughter since nothing is going to change, right? Life goes on ... expensively, but it still goes on lol. Does anyone have next week's winning lottery numbers? Heh heh"
As I feel the effects of aging creeping up on me, it is vitally important to me to optimize not only my health, but because it is not likely that my children will remain on TriCare past the age of 26, that I inspire and encourage them that they diligently take care of their health as well.  Sickness will bankrupt you!  

I am reading... Home Comforts, still at 4%.  I didn't read much this week.  Fascinating Womanhood, I went from 8% to 14% and answered the study questions on Chapter 4 for the online book club I'm in.  Nella Last's War, I read from 19% to 24% in the last week.  I started reading Things Fall Apart at lunch again.  I am at 81%.  

I am looking forward to... Getting prepared for our Mischpaca (family) meal.  I am going to plan some beautiful tablescapes this year.  

I am learning... I watched a really good video Eye on Quality 50 Tips Medical Editing.  Of course, it would probably only interest you in my profession.  :-)  

One of my favorite things... Sitting with my cousin in her sitting room toward the end of her anniversary party.  She said, "When I saw you come through the door, I said to myself, "MY people are here!"  I mentioned to her how I had felt isolated from the family after having lived overseas for so many years.  She said that she had felt the same living in California for decades as well.  I had walked in with another cousin who had said, "I didn't know you all were coming!"  (It's a 3-hour drive for us).  I said, I'm trying to do better and she said, "Me too."  We come from a family of two very distinct personalities.  Half of us are bold and outspoken, to the point of being offensive many times.  The other half is extremely sensitive and retreats at any sign of trauma.  There were several of us sensitive types at the party.  It was GOOD to sit and love on one another without drama.  Even my children, who for good reason, have become skittish around my family, enjoyed themselves.  Friend Hubby even had a great conversation about Torah with my cousin's boyfriend.  I know it was difficult for my very COGIC family to overhear (they were not talking quietly), but it opened the doors for them to see that we haven't left faith in Yah, just enhanced it with more knowledge of him. Awesome!  

A few plans for the rest of the week:  I've got to create a FB event for our annual Mishpacha (family) meal.  Hospitality is something we look forward to.        

From the learning rooms... 
Senior:    I am hoping that once he gets his last minute paper turned in, he will get on the stick with his Eagle project.  

Sophomore:   Did VERY well in Algebra last week.  I'm proud!  
Pondering these words... The Facebook page called has a lot of good stuff to say.  Not much of it is Scriptural and you have to be discerning about taking catch phrases to heart, which is why I don't share their memes outside a very small circle of people who know and understand me, but I have read some things on there that have made me go, "Yeah!"  This is one that I have found there.

From the kitchen...  I made some beef stew for Shabbat with what I had on hand.  I'm thankful because I really did have good ingredients for it.  It wasn't as meaty as I would have liked, but it was certainly well made.  

I love how my family tries new food and then makes plans to recreate it.  At my cousin's anniversary party, we had fried collard greens.  We're making plans to begin experimenting.     
Around the house... I put up Donalacasa Facebook posts about this being Zone 1 week of FlyLady.  I think I am going to post something every day to inspire work in this zone.  

Honor where honor is due: *

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  1. What an awesome way to think about this: treat my strength training like the Armor of Yah...!!!


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