Day Book: Monday, September 22, 2014

Outside my window... It is 8:15 p.m., and 81 degrees.  

I am thinking... I am in prayer.  There's a bit of spiritual warfare going on around me.  Not much in the natural eye, but those times when I'm in my car alone praying, there is some battling going on in the atmosphere.  

I am thankful... This is a season of change.  I've had some weight lifted off my shoulders, but at the same time it is freeing me up for something else.  

I am wearing... A favorite pair of denim shorts and the T shirt from My Diva's alma mater.  

I am creating... Back to knitting my daughter's blanket.  I'm almost done with the majority color.  I need to piece them together.  Now that I have some more free time at the end of the week, I'd like to try to go to the knitting club at my local library.  

I am reading... A book called The French House.  It is definitely not a "can't put it down" book.  I have to remind myself to pick it up.  LOL.  I'm third in line on hold for the book that I really want to read, Lisa See's latest novel China Dolls.   

I am hoping... That my friend will be healed of her illness.  We've been looking forward to celebrating the Feasts.  I also need her discernment.  She's wiser than she knows.  :-) 

I am looking forward to... Celebrating the Fall Feasts.  This week is Yom Teruah.  We will probably have a potluck later this week.  

I am learning... A new transcription platform.  I have an IC position now that I can work on an as needed basis.  It is challenging to learn a new system.  I have been doing the same system for the past 3 years.  A change of pace is good though.  

One of my favorite things... I was able to teach my daughter's homeschool co-op about a seder.  I enjoyed myself.  They are nice kids.  

From the learning rooms... 
Bible:  This week, we are reading through a study guide about Yom Teruah.    
English:  He is taking a college English class from the community college around the corner.  I'm really emotional about this.  LOL
Foreign language:  Yes, Japanese.  College Japanese.  Our community college allows homeschooled students to take 2 classes per semester for free for early college start.  My son is taking the language of the country of his birth.   
Math:   Still working on getting a solid foundation in Algebra 1 before moving on to Algebra 2.  
Science:  This was the first year I had ever heard of Virtual Homeschool Group.  I have a friend who says she has been using it for 4 or 5 years.  I guess I had gotten set in my homeschool ways and stopped looking for anything new.  My son is working his way through Apologia Advanced Biology with this.  
ACT Prep:  The same teacher that has taught my college graduated daughter is teaching my son.  I don't even know what's going on in the class.  LOL  
Extracurricular:  I found a guitar teacher I can afford and she was very impressed with him.  I am impressed that she is impressed!      

Bible:  Same as above.  
English:  She is taking an English class at a classical co-op this year.     
Math:   Still working through Algebra 1/2.  Had I found out about Virtual Homeschool Group soon enough, I might have signed her up for Algebra 1.  
History:   She is taking Ancient History with a classical co-op, and she will also be competing in the National History Day competition.  She is a second-place winner at nationals in the Junior category.  This year, she will compete as a senior.  
Science:  Biology with a new co-op teacher.  It has been a rough adjustment.  The new science teacher is nice, but we all miss the old one.  She has taught science to at least one of our children for the last 7 or 8 years.    
Health:  We haven't quite finished with the middle school textbook, but the high school text is waiting in the wings. 
Extracurricular:  I also found an art teacher that I can afford.  As a matter of fact, the owner of the art school was the same owner when My Diva was taking art classes a decade ago.  Also, the Girl Scout Silver Award project is FINISHED!!!  We are just awaiting approval from the committee.  Whew!  Glad that's done.  
Noticing that...  I'm going to have an empty nest within the next 4 years.  What to do?  What to do?  I'm not doing as much actual teaching myself as I used to.  Nobody needs help sounding out a word anymore.  As a matter of fact, the math has more letters in it than the phonics lessons used to.  I have moved from teacher to guide.  *sigh*

Pondering these words...     

From the kitchen...  I tried to duplicate My Diva's recipe for Dirty Rice using ground beef instead of spicy turkey sausage.  Meh...  A Sprouts Farmer's Market just popped up around the corner from me.  I am excited about making more creative vegetable meals.  Last Shabbat, I made a recipe for Roasted Vegetables.  Fabulous!  

Around the house... I have actually been getting some decluttering done.  I don't know how that happened (probably because I got tired of looking for things, LOL).  Seriously though, I plan to try to stick with this through the winter since it is such a difficult season for me.  I need to find projects to focus on. 

Honor where honor is due:
