Outside my window... We were out of town this weekend. While we were gone, our house got a good soaking rain. My plastic bottle seed starters had been sitting in a plastic container. There's a good two inches of water in it. I'm going to pour it into a pitcher and water the lemon and lime tree saplings that I have in the house with them. When Crown Prince Sanban was in the science fair in middle school, another student did an experiment to see if plants grew more from sink water or rain water. Rain water won out every time.
Lemon tree in the foreground, lime tree in the background. |
I am thinking... About the terrible accident we saw between the stadium where the graduation was held and the restaurant we went to afterward. When my uncle passed by he said that a truck had just stalled in the center lane. By the time Friend Hubby drove by, another car had slammed into it and the airbag had deployed. Emergency services had not yet arrived. Friend Hubby, my cousin's husband, and her bonus dad who were riding with us got out to help. It was dark. I just sat in the car praying. I could see Friend Hubby pulling debris off the road. An emergency room nurse pulled over just before emergency services arrived. Friend Hubby and my cousin's husband prayed with the woman who was going to have to have the Jaws of Life remove her from the vehicle. In the process of praying for her they got blood on their hands. It was pretty jarring, but they believe that she is going to make it. We prayed for her again before we left the Air BnB to have brunch.
I am also thinking about the two lunch dates this week with friends. One was with a friend I have amazingly had going on twenty years now. We met when her daughter was 3 and Princess Butterfly was 2. We were Girl Scout moms together for many years and now we just get to talk about how much potty training and driver's training was trash parenting experiences. Zero stars. Do not recommend.
The other lunch date I had was with my friend of going on 24 years. Her oldest daughter passed away in September and Thursday was the first birthday we spent without her. We met for lunch at the last place I and Princess Butterfly saw her alive. There has not yet been a memorial for her so I have to keep reminding myself that she's not here.
I am thankful... For being a part of my cousin's graduation celebration. It turned out great. We had a good time. It was our first time staying in an Air BnB. I have been talking to Friend Hubby about buying rental property. That's one way to utilize it. I'm really excited about that. I don't know when it's going to happen, but I'm looking forward to it. One of our uncles came and ended up paying for dinner for the whole party. He said that he felt blessed because mine and my cousin's generation turned out so much better than his generation. Of my paternal female first cousins, we are the most educated in the family. Both his daughters have bachelor's degrees, but the youngest has two master's degrees and is working on her doctorate. Another female first cousin has a master's degree. The cousin who graduated this weekend has three bachelor's degrees. Her daughter is working on her master's degree. My daughter, The Grand Duchess has one too. I will complete my first master's degree this spring. If Yah says the same ("and the creek don't rise," says Ms. Sophia), I will begin working on a second master's degree in the fall of 2022. I read this on Instagram this week and had to laugh. ๐
I am wearing... I am writing this blog after getting back home. I got to meet my cousin's best friend who interviewed me a few months ago for Black Military Homeschool Moms. My response to one of her questions made my children crack up, saying they were going to get T-shirts saying "Mom taught us to read ๐ฎ and to read๐." Anyway, she liked both outfits I was wearing this weekend, both of which came from Cato. I am wearing a lightweight burgundy tracksuit with a hood and a rose gold zipper. It's more fashion than function. I think it's one of those outfits that I bought thinking that quarantine was only going to last a couple of weeks, so even though I've owned it for more than a year, it hasn't gotten much use. I am creating...I am still just working on doing swatches of different knitting stitches. So far, I have Stockinette Stitch Triangles (both ways, by starting with knitting on one and purling on the other). I've also done Box Stitch. I am getting ready to start Diagonal Checks. I am going... On a Black History walking tour downtown. I am listening to....The audiobook of The Four Winds. Also, last year, I didn't give much thought to Kanye West's gospel album, but this song has been trending on social media along with the Bible verses that back up what the song is saying. I love choir music so I have been singing this all week.
One of my favorite things... My South African student shared a recipe with me called Potjiekos. It sounds delicious! Rather than cooking it over an open fire, I would try putting it in the Instant Pot, but Friend Hubby doesn't like roasted potatoes so I'd have to leave those out. A few plans for the rest of the week... Finish grading homework, get out report cards, and post ads for next semesters' classes. From the learning rooms... On the three-hour road trip, I mused about some ideas that I have for promoting my business and spring lesson plans. I have one new student starting in the spring semester in January and another potential, which is great because this was my smallest class.
My self-care... I FINALLY did a half hour of BodyPump this week. My thighs hurt for a couple of days, but the charge that weightlifting gives you is worth it. Shalom and blessings!
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