Donalacasa's Daybook: Monday, September 23, 2019

Do Sunflowers Grow More Than One Flower?

Outside my window...
Why are we still having 100-degree days? Enough already!!! Autumn, where are you?

I am thinking...

About my grandmother. Saturday would have been her 90th birthday. This week, we lost one of our cousins that was younger than her but older than my mother. There is not a day that goes by that I don't miss confiding in my grandmother, sharing my thoughts knowing that they were taken straight from our conversation to her prayers. "The righteous is remembered forever." Psalm 112:6b

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I am thankful...
My sister-in-law came to town and she and my niece visited with us for a few hours. In my last Daybook, I don't know if I mentioned how irritated I had been with my Sociology professor's attitude towards grief and grieving people. When I tried to show her a different perspective, she manipulatively turned my comment into an attack on my classmates. I'm not going to lie. I am not over it. The next time I came to class, I intentionally sat all the way in the back of the room. When I came forward to turn in my work, she had a sweet sickly smile on her face as if she felt she had gained a victory over me. Passive aggression has been ignited now. What I would like to do is turn the tables, read through the textbook as swiftly as I can and go CLEP the class and drop it before the month of October is out. I don't know if I can do it, but I am certainly going to try. The reason why I am thankful that my sister-in-law came to town is because she was able to share her delayed grief for my father-in-law because of having become my mother-in-law's chief caregiver. People who have not experienced grief don't understand it. I have little patience for people who don't desire to see grief from a bereft person's perspective.

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I also forgot to mention last week that my sister Clarity went to an informational meeting for Girl Scouts and walked out a Daisy leader. I am exhilarated! She also posted a picture of my nephews in their Cub Scout uniforms. My heart just can't take it. I'm so proud of all of them. <3
I am creating...
Nothing yet, but I know that I need to. I am looking forward to decorating the house for the Fall Feasts even though we will not be able to go camping again this year. Our overseas qahols have experienced some major devastation this past year that have left them in a food deficit. We gladly donate whatever we would be spending on our Feast so they can have their daily bread.
I am wearing...

A tank top and capris. I am still so hot!

I am listening to....
The Lord Thy God by Bishop Andrew Merritt. I played this song on Shabbat and the Holy Spirit began to minister to me. My tears flowed spontaneously. I needed it so much.
I am reading...
I'm listening to the audiobook called My Dear Hamilton: A Novel of Eliza Schuyler Hamilton. I'm trying to read or listen to historical fiction that is set in the time period that I am teaching in U.S. History.
I am watching...
This video gave me goosebumps! I hope my children marry people who love music. It reminds me of Zephaniah 3:17, “יהוה your Elohim in your midst, is mighty to save. He rejoices over you with joy, He is silent in His love, He rejoices over you with singing.”

One of my favorite things...

I attended a parent prayer meeting for my children's university. I loved it. It was very multicultural. All of us are new empty-nesters. Two of the moms are also alumni and myself and the hostess will have three children as graduates of this university. I got an email about another prayer group that is closer, but I feel like this is the one that I am supposed to attend. I'm looking forward to the next one.

A few plans for the rest of the week...

Warring in the Spirit for one of my children who is going through a trial. Weekly I have begun to text my children and ask what they need prayer for in the coming week. I'm content even with a 1-word answer (hope, victory, strength). Sometimes, more prayer is needed than others.

From the learning rooms...
Not much more than salads. It's disappointing because at this time of year I should be making soups. I did make a roasted vegetable medley one day this week. I am going to be teaching on the drafting of the Constitution this week. Last week I told my students to bring a discussion question so that I am not the only person doing all the talking in class. That worked wonderfully. I am looking forward to what they come up with every week.
From the kitchen...
Not much more than salads. It's disappointing because at this time of year I should be making soups. I did make a roasted vegetable medley one day this week.
Around the house...
Not a whole lot and I feel that maybe instead of going to the gym on Sundays that maybe I need to make that my house creativity day. With nobody at home but me, Friend Hubby, and Ella, it stays clean, but I need to give it some love and attention. Decorating for the Fall Feasts will help.

My self-care...
Friend Hubby has had me putting two drops of iodine in my first glass of water every morning. It absolutely has increased my energy level. I went to the gym four times last week, when the week before I had only been once. However, I believe it is giving me TOO MUCH energy, if that's a thing. Even though I'm taking it early in the morning, I haven't been able to sleep much at night. This week I am reducing it to one drop per day.

Eidon Ionic Minerals Liquid

Shalom and blessings!

Giving honor where honor is due:
