Donalacasa's Daybook: Monday, April 10, 2017

Outside my window...

We've got some rain coming overnight. I love to sleep in the rain. I just hope it dries up
before I have to get out and drive in it. I bought some new umbrellas for Princess Butterfly
and me though. It would be a shame if we don't get to use them. LOL

I am thinking...

Since I got sick right after my birthday and then the following week I was tied up with tests, I
didn't get to post any pictures of my birthday presents. This is one from The Grand Duchess.
It is a teacup that is made (of course) in Bavaria. I say of course because The Grand Duchess
is German born. I haven't yet made a home for her among my collection. I just like looking
at her. Isn't she purty? :-) Of course if you give me a teacup, I'm going to want some tea to
go with it, right? Along with the cup, my children gave me my FAVORITE tea in the world!
Pickwick Fruit Tea from The Netherlands. Even one of Princess Butterfly's friends who is also
my classmate in American History class, bought me some blueberry flavoried green tea. Me
thinks people know me all too well. I also got bouquets of sunflowers. :-)

My children also got me this cute blazer and matching skirt from ModCloth. Can you see
what's on it? Teapots! Fortunately for me, I am very short and this skirt looks a lot longer on
me than on this model. #stillcogic #50anddignified

I am thankful...

We are praying fervently for a father of 7 who needs a liver transplant and has had multiple
organ failure. One of his sons is friends with Sanban and one of his daughters is friends with
Princess Butterfly. We just spent the 4th of July with them at their humongous home, so full
of love.

I am wearing...


I am reading...

Still reading The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane. Most of the story is good and interesting
and there is certainly a pro-life element to it, but as much as Lisa See is a good storyteller, she
is sometimes TOO DETAILED. :-O

I am listening to....

My daughter has me listening to the score of Hamilton. She tries to edit it somewhat. We
laughed today about the fact that as a homeschooler, she and her friends listent to show
tunes, in contrast to the 1980s public school soundtrack that accompanied my teens.

I am watching...

I started a good movie on Showbox last Shabbat that I forgot to go back to this Shabbat. It is
called Killing Jesus. Of course, I'm extremely critical of any deviation from Scripture, but it is
very entertaining, I'll say that. It is refreshing to see a departure from an all eurocentric cast.

I am looking forward to...

Celebrating Pesach and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. I did something different this year.
For a few families in our fellowship, I sent out gift boxes with grape juice, matzoh, and a
couple of other goodies. I made one of those Bible verse memes super-imposed on a
beautiful Pesach table setting. I had so much joy sending them out! I praised Yah all the
way to the post office. This is what the feasts are supposed to be about, being a blessing to

One of my favorite things...

We had set up a teen makeup demonstration at a large beauty store in our area for our Girl
Scout troop. The agreed upon price was $10 per girl. A couple of days later, a woman called
and very rudely told me that the person who had set it up had no authorization to set that
price and DEMANDED that we pay $50 per girl. I was so caught off guard by her rudeness
that I went to bat as if she had attacked one of my children. I had to pray and ask Yah to help
me calm down, it was that heated (which is so unprofessional!). But all things work together
for our good! I went to another makeup store (which was the girls' first choice anyway). They
agreed to give us their last time slot for the month of April on a Sunday evening for a
90-minute class for FREE! I was concerned about the girls driving themselves that far, but as
it turns out, both of my co-leaders will be going so none of the girls has to drive herself,
especially after I learned that one of my girls was in an accident just before going on a
mission trip to South America for spring break.

I was kind of sad at our meeting today. We talked about graduation and our final year. I have
been a Girl Scout leader since Princess Butterfly was in kindergarten. I have hung in there
when the whole organization was turned upside down, criticism from without and criticism
from within. I hung in there, not to fight for the organization, but to fight for the girls! Last
week, the second suicide of the school year at their high school happened. They knew this
person. Girl Scouts has been their escape from that. They are bonded together as sisters and
they all know they have someone they can talk to when life gets too hard and that they don't
have to make a decision like that. My house and my co-leader's house is their stress-free zone
and I am thankful. If for no other reason, I am thankful that I stuck around for this season of
their lives.

From the learning rooms...

We are in the home stretch for this semester! I have a French test tomorrow and I am trying
to get my math chapter 4 homework turned in. I am on lesson 4.4 of 4.8. I found out that
there is 24-hour tutoring available in math online that is included in my tuition! I don't know
why that is not discussed at the beginning of the semester.

Pondering these words...

This was a very popular post on my Instagram page. I am thankful for our Monday night
prayer call. We have been praying weekly on a conference call and I am so thankful the
miracles we have been privileged to partake in. Just last week, my stepmother-in-law
prayed something for one of my brothers-in-law and it was answered this week! HalleluYah!!!

From the kitchen...

Cleaning for Pesach on my study breaks. I did really well keeping my lettuce crisp for my
salads tis week. I washed it and put it in the spinner, and then I line the bottom of a large
Pyrex bowl with a paper towel and put the lettuce in on top of it and cover it with a plastic lid.
It's been over a week and it is still crisp and not brown.
