Monday, February 6, 2017

Outside my window...
We are having another week of summer in winter. Love it! I am thinking...
It's been I think 3 weeks since I did a Daybook. I am trying to do so well this semester as a full time student so I am really trying to stay focused. I am thankful...
My baby boy Sanban is turning 19 this week! <3 <3 <3 I am wearing...
After getting up before the sun to head to my college algebra class in the morning, after having a history test this afternoon, and after having dressed up for our Girl Scout troop's formal dinner party, I am dressed for bed now. I am creating...
I actually finished my great-aunt's shawl, but I have yet to put it in the mail. *oh me* I am reading...
At the moment, I am reading nothing but school books, but I am reading The History of Ancient Israel for a book report for my Western Civilization class. I am watching...
I did watch episode 3 of Victoria on PBS. I think that's the most TV I've watched in weeks. I am hoping...
Just to stay on schedule! I am looking forward to...
Spring break!
From the learning rooms...
Much of our learning is life skills, how to balance our course schedule with everything in our lives, learning what to say yes to, what to say no to. This semester, Princess Butterfly is taking second level college history and English, SAT/ACT Prep which is a full English credit and half a math credit, and Honors Government. She had her meeting with the Gold Award committee and I think is supposed to have another this week. We are pretty much only doing cookie booths once a week now. We had planned to sell so many, but we just don't have the time!

I am getting an "A" in U.S. History and a "C" in College Algebra. I am more proud of the "C" than the "A" because I have worked harder for it! Noticing that...
In addition to trying to stay on top of my school work, I am also trying to get on top of my health. Princess Butterfly and I go over to Friend Hubby's job to work out in the company gym twice a week. I've lost 3 pounds since we started. Princess Butterfly is also having to go to the YMCA for physical therapy in the water. I may pay the $8 to work out while she is in there.

Pondering these words...

I am enjoying life with LESS social media. I'm not completely away from it because of Donalacasa, but I have cut back significantly. From the kitchen...
Princess Butterfly did a fabulous job of making Chicken Alfredo for the Girl Scout dinner party. All the girls did a great job. I was so full, my back hurt! Around the house...
I needed a floor lamp on once side of my newly decorated family room. I remembered that I still had one in the garage left over from my late mother's move. I went to At Home today and bought a lamp shade for it that coordinates with the room.
