Monday, January 9, 2016

Outside my window...

I am thinking...

Hidden Figures was a GREAT movie! I saw it with my daughter's class in an early release.
I'm going to see it with Friend Hubby this coming week.

I am thankful...

For the time my babies were here over the break. Now everyone is getting in gear for this

I am wearing...

I'm going to need to get some new workout clothes SOON. I have increased my daily step
goal to 7500 steps per day. I'm also going to start working out in the gym at Friend Hubby's
job. I can't go schlepping up in there with my current attire. There are holes in all the wrong

I am creating...

Okay. THIS WEEK I am going to wash my great-aunt's shawl and mail it. I have no excuses
for not knitting in the evenings. I have plenty to watch.

I am reading...

Life Management for Busy Women, 38%.
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, 9%.
New England White, 26%.

I am looking forward to...

A little road trip and visit with friends.

One of my favorite things...

Okay, so my mother may have spoiled me in at least this one thing, but I only like to eat sandwiches that are cut like "A." If my family brings me a sandwich cut like "B," my face will
need deliverance because my disappointment will be very visible.

A few plans for the rest of the week...

Lots of care repairs. I need to charge my pocket juice so I can use my new favorite website MathPapa to help me understand the steps to solving the algebraic equations.

From the learning rooms... 

Princess Butterfly is working hard to get all 'A's this semester. My algebra professor sent out the prerequisite review so I am working on that now. The history professor's textbook is a link that Princess Butterfly sent me so that's one less textbook to have to buy. She and I are taking the same class with the same professor, just one class period apart.

Pondering these words...

Am I, on a daily basis, accomplishing every work that I have been given to do?

From the kitchen...

I forgot to talk about these in my last blog. We actually had a bit of tension in the house on Shabbat over who was going to get the last piece. H-E-B is our grocery store here in Central Texas. If you don't have H-E-B, you have my deepest sympathy. So last week I dredged these in a beaten egg, seasoned them with seasoned salt, pepper, and garlic powder, then I pressed them into Panko and skillet fried them in enough avocado oil to cover the bottom of the pan. Avocado oil doesn't smoke at a high temperature, which is great! Someone on a Torah Observant Facebook group that I am on talked about what they missed eating now that they are eating biblically kosher. One thing that I used to miss was fried pork chops. Not any more! This was a great break from trying to be creative with Costco chicken thighs.

Around the house...

I have gotten SOME things done.
