Monday, December 19, 2016

Outside my window...  

The temperature has come UP TO 37 degrees.  Yuck!  It was in the 70s just a few days ago.

I am thankful...  

This year, I am so thankful that we don't celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah.  We choose to just keep the Leviticus 23 Feast Days.  

I need down time after finishing my first semester of college in 30 years.  I have nothing to plan or decorate or anything.  I spent the first day of my vacation decluttering and on the phone with the VA.  


I am wearing...  

Long sleeves.  Yuck!    

I am creating...  

I had to watch a review video as I picked up my great-aunt''s shawl!  Rusty!   Sanban is home from university so he is moving things and disconnecting and reconnecting, as he does.  He put my 30 year old rabbit ear TV in my room with the digital converter box so I'm able to watch PBS Create again.  Yay!  I'm inspired.  

I am reading... 

 I read a bit of New England White last night.  

I am watching...  

I started watching Call the Midwife, season 1 all over again.    

I am looking forward to...  

Doing nothing!   

I am learning...  

After finishing my first semester of college in 30 years, I recognize that this is absolutely what I am supposed to be doing in this season.  This semester was not too difficult because all my classes were things that I'm good at.  Next semester is going to be more challenging because I am taking algebra, which is going to require more thinking and French, which is going to require more memorization.  I am thankful for the students that I met.  None of them shares my faith, but that is a good thing.  Sometimes we surround ourselves with only those who think and say the same things we do.  I was given the opportunity to take a stand for the correct translation of the Hebrew Scriptures and to reveal truth in the place of error.  The anti-intellectualism among people of faith saddens me.  It is like the dark ages all over again.  I have had conversations with nominal Christians, Buddhists, and Muslims this semester.  My faith isn't shaken.  I believe the Word even more, but I also showed them that we can have peaceful, intelligent, respectful conversations.  My Humanities professor kept saying how different this class was from all her other classes in how respectful every belief group was to one another.  I believe it was the Ruach in ME!  Not me but Him in ME.   
2 Corinthians 4:3-4 "And indeed, if our Good News has been veiled, it has been veiled in those who are perishing, in whom the mighty one of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, so that the enlightening of the Good News of the esteem of Messiah, who is the likeness of Elohim, does not shine on them."
Don't get me wrong.  There was plenty of sin in the place as well.  A young woman got up and gave a talk about how incest between adults should be legal.  When I asked her if she knew what the Bible had to say about it, she said that she was a Christian but since the law has been done away with, it is okay.  The Ruach did not give me an open door for that conversation, but do you see how much ground we have to cover before we can't win ANYONE to the truth?  

From the learning rooms... 

Sanban, Princess Butterfly, and I finished the semester well.  HalleluYah.  We are developing strategies to do even better next year.  

From the kitchen... 

It's soup weather! I got a bag of 15 bean soup.  I threw away the seasoning package that came with it and added chicken broth, canned tomatoes, onions, frozen mixed vegetables, and some spicy beef smoked sausage. It was great, but even after soaking for about 12 hours, it still took a long time to cook.  

Around the house...

Decluttering.  A few weeks ago, we got some new family room furniture.  I am so happy with it!  I never cared for the leather.  It is microfiber and soft.  I think we may need to Scotch-guard it just in case, though.   

A few plans for the rest of the week...

My Princess Butterfly is going to be SEVENTEEN tomorrow!  Mama's baby girl.  <3  <3  <3 

My self-care... 

I have been taking tumeric twice a day for a couple of weeks. When I had my blood pressure taken at the beginning of November, my systolic blood pressure was 138.  The day before yesterday, my new doctor's office took it and my systolic blood pressure was 113!  I asked her if the machine was broken!  I am going to take advantage of not having class to try to get in a daily workout.    

Honor where honor is due:
