Monday, February 29, 2016

Outside my window...Beautiful!

I am thinking...My children probably have a file entitled, "Things that Only Happen to our Mom."  Princess Butterfly attended a lecture on leadership on Sunday afternoon.  It was a beautiful day, high 70s to low 80s, sunny, and clear.  There was a very hipster lakeside coffee shop next door to the restaurant were she was so I settled myself at a table with the sun warming my back, my Pomodoro timer set so I could knit and alternate with reading.  After a bit, the sun was too warm on my back so I moved to another spot on the same outside patio.  

This is a photo I took at the second spot.  Because the sun was on it's way down, the sun in my eyes became unbearable (I have misplaced my sunglasses).  I decided to go back to the car.  On my way back, I spotted another table, in the shade of the marina.  I found a table where I could look down at the bow of a boat that was docked.  I enjoyed the next half hour sitting there next to the cool of the water.  Princess Butterfly called me and told me she was ready to leave.  I hung up and lifted my foot to climb out of the picnic table built for two.  As I lifted my foot, I heard a thud on the deck below.  I leaned over the railing and realized that my shoe had come off and landed barely an inch away from falling in the water next to the boat.  A chivalrous man whose first date conversation I had overheard while knitting was seated at a picnic table on the same level as the boat deck.  He got up to retrieve my shoe, only to find the gate locked.  I called Princess Butterfly and told her to how to walk around to where I had been sitting so she could watch my purse while I walked barefoot on the boardwalk down to the next gate to see if I could get the shoe myself.  That gate had a coded lock on it that only boat owners would know.  The docks were fairly deserted.  A few minutes later I saw a boy, about 12 or so who had been fishing further away.  He saw me waving at him frantically and came, picked up my shoe, and handed it up to Princess Butterfly.  The end of another episode of "Things that Only Happen to our Mom." 

I am also thinking of a long-time friend who lost her husband last week.  It is a very difficult thing when you pray so hard for something but it goes a different way that what you desired.  Friend Hubby came and sat with me at our last cookie booth and while Princess Butterfly was selling.  It was so painful to get that news.  Because we are now "middle-aged," I worry about the health of my friends.  Ms. Sophia's husband gave us a scare last summer.  I find myself fussing at Friend Hubby more about his health when I really need to be investing in mine.  

I am thankful...Friend Hubby is getting to see the fruit of his  prayers answered.  Seeds that were sown many years ago are now beginning to blossom.  Baruch HaShem (Bless His name!)!  

I am wearing...A velour sweatsuit with a short-sleeved shirt underneath.  It is 66 right now, but it will get warmer.  

I am creating...I am "this close" to finishing the shawl.  My last ball of yarn is about 3 inches in diameter.  I am looking forward to starting some sewing projects for the spring (as soon as I finish The Grand Duchess' blanket, of course).  :-D  

I am reading...I have read 11% of Palace Council.  I'm loving it already.  Even though the setting is 50 years prior to Emperor of Ocean Park, he is tying in some of the same characters and rounding out the story.  It's like getting two books in one.  I'm loving it!  

I am watching... I am watching for the announcement of when the new biblical year begins.  There are two witnesses, the renewed moon sighting in Israel (it's all about perspective), AND the ripening or Aviv of the barley grain (without which there would have been no first fruit wave offering temple times).  Hoshana Rabbah is always so helpful and put out a list of dates to potentially take off from work.  2016 Moedim Potential Dates.    

I am looking forward to... My girls and I are going to a fancy tea this summer.  We are watching videos on tea etiquette, and picking out dresses.  This is the very reason I have daughters, to do FOO FOO girly stuff with.  :-D

I am learning... That if you don't diligently make the time to study the Word, it won't happen.  

From the learning rooms... 
Senior:  Now that the Eagle Scout project and paperwork are out of the way, now we can turn our attention toward outside scholarships.  We have missed some deadlines, but we're going to forge ahead with whatever else we can get.    

Sophomore:  My Butterfly is just blossoming.  I want to find more things for her to do to learn about the business of business.  She is also on board to get her 3rd degree black belt in TKD this spring.  
Pondering these words... The words that have been ringing in my ears most are the words of both grief and gratitude being poured out by my friend who just lost her husband.  If any of my readers would care to contribute to support this widow and her children, this is their GoFundMe link.  There is also another recent widow who needs support.  Her children are a bit younger and there are more of them as well.  Knowing how little Princess Butterfly remembers of Dancing Angel, I pray that her little ones always have good memories of their daddy.  Their page is The Greene8.  

Just listening to this song just reminds me of all that I have loved and lost.  

From the kitchen...  One day last week was a "use what you have in the house" and Voila!  Baked Pasta with Sausage, Tomatoes, and Cheese.  Substitute turkey breakfast sausage with no casing for the sausage.  I made Chocolate Waffles again.  I'm working on getting rid of all the leavening agents in my house.  Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread may come earlier than usual this year.      

Around the house... I don't think I had been giving my seeds enough water.  It's been a week, but the only one that had sprouted as of yesterday was the collard greens.  This morning, I saw a little green in the Roma tomato and the Beefsteak tomato cups.  

Last summer and fall we did some painting and decorating in our house.  Friend Hubby and I are in the process of planning for "Phase 2."   

Honor where honor is due: *

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