Day Book: Monday, October 19, 2015

Outside my window... The weather has been so beautiful that our family took a walk Sunday morning.  Granted, only 1 out of the 5 of us is a morning person so it didn't start out as a pleasant walk, but by the end of it I think we were all feeling better.  

I am thankful... For healing!  I didn't get a Day Book out last Monday because early Monday morning, The Grand Duchess said on Facebook that she was sick and needed her mommy.  My plan was to leave Sanban and Princess Butterfly at home and make the hour and a half drive alone to go and take care of her.  It all went downhill from there.  Bad to worse!  As soon as I walked in her apartment, I got sick too. Then I learned that Sanban, who stayed at home had become sick as well. Fortunately, Princess Butterfly had insisted on coming with me.  She told me that she had planned on being my nurse's aid but was instead promoted to doctor.  She did an awesome job of taking care of both her big sister and her mother while Friend Hubby left work to take care of Sanban.  We ended up staying overnight at my The Grand Duchess's apartment because I was in absolutely no condition to drive.  I am thankful for all the prayer that went up for our healing, especially our worship community who prays together on Monday night anyway.  We believe we had food poisoning from the fast food restaurant we at at coming home from the state fair Saturday night.  We contacted them and told them of our getting sick.  They are sending coupons for free food.  A Facebook friend commented, "We're sorry our food made you sick.  Here are coupons for more of our food."  LOL

I also found myself thanking Yah this week for our pastor in Okinawa.  The older I get, the more I realize how much wisdom he imparted into Friend Hubby and me.  When we arrived in Okinawa, we had run our own ministry for several years.  Before we were led to the church where we met this pastor, we had been offered two other churches to pastor ourselves, but we knew we were being led by the Holy Spirit to put our ministry aside and work with this pastor building up the ministry that he founded.  We went through many emotions over that 4-1/2 year time period.  Yah used that period of time to break our pride, learn submission, learn the business of ministry such as timeliness, money management, and having our "own vine and fig tree" so that we would never be dependent on offerings for our livelihood.  We learned faithfulness and humility.  We learned how to minister to married couples and newly divorced, the blessings of healthy babies and how to mourn with infant loss.  We learned order, integrity, and having a good name among those outside our ministry.  We learned excellence of spirit, mind, and body.  We also learned about the right way to birth ministries verses orphan ministries with little to no sustainability.  When we are children, we often think our parents are mean and restrictive.  It is only after we grow to maturity that we realize how wise and rightfully protective they are.  Thank you, Abba, for giving us such a great example to follow!  

I am wearing... Denim shorts and a Girl Scout T-shirt.  

I am creating...  I think I am about 1/3 of the way through my great-aunt's prayer shawl.  I am getting faster as the pattern is familiar.  My goal is to try to knit for 1 hour each night.  

I am reading...  I have been reading more than in the past couple of weeks, but forgetting to log it into GoodReads.  I'm still reading Nella Last's War.  

I am listening to.... I need to find a good podcast for homemaking and one for exercise.  If you know of some, please leave a link in the comments.  Thanks!   

I am hoping... To do enough good work early in the week for my new job to be taken off QA.  

I am learning... That yet again, Yehovah's ways are above our ways.  He showed me something a year ago, I imagined how I thought it would work out, then when it actually happened, it was a further reminder that He is trustworthy and always has our best interest at heart.  

One of my favorite things... I have multiracial hair so I don't get as excited as many of my friends do over hair care products, and I don't have as much disposable income to experiment.  I saw my friends discussing this and decided to give it a try.  I love it!  My hair is soft, strong, and not weighed down or oily.  This is definitely one of my new favorite things for my hair.  

From the learning rooms... 
Senior:  We took a class period on Friday to get started on his Eagle project.  Sometimes, just getting started is the hardest part.  

Sophomore:  I am hoping this week (without Feast Days or sicknesses) to be able to stick to our schedule this week.  
Noticing that...  My brother mentioned that my 60-year-old stepmother can hold a 9-minute plank.  I am so ashamed.  I linked up my My Fitness Pal account with The Grand Duchess and my sister (I have never given a blog name to my sister.  I think I will call her Clarity).  Prayerfully the family accountability will motivate us to challenge ourselves.  I'm scared to see if my brother has one.  I can just see the feed:  (My brother's name) has just done a million pushups!  (My name) has done 2 pushups!  LOL   

From the kitchen...  Eating food was not on my favorite things to do this week so it took me until Friday to really have much of an appetite for anything.  I had made a huge pot of Calde Verde and a big try of Apple Crisp last Shabbat, but it only ended up the 4 of us eating it and then 2 of us got food poisoning so it lasted most of the week.  This Shabbat, I was craving queso, but I didn't want to make the kind using Velveeta.  I made The Ultimate Slow Cooker Queso.  It has been great to have a ready made snack.  We have been eating it all weekend.  No one has to search for something to eat.  My family also really enjoyed our meal for lunch on Shabbat.  My family really enjoyed the Slow Cooker Honey Garlic Chicken and Veggies that I made.  The Grand Duchess heard we were having chicken and hopped in the car and drove an hour and a half so she could have some too.  LOL  

Around the house... I got some work done in the gameroom this week and because of being sick, the junk mail jungle started bolting.  I spent about an hour just working on that.  

Honor where honor is due: *

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