Outside my window... Cold an rainy. It's 39 degrees outside right now. The high today is only going to be 42. Ugh! Enough already. Tuesday is supposed to be 71. I need to make plans to go out for a walk.
I am thinking... About how the garments of the High Priest found in Exodus 28 coincide with the full armor of God/Yehovah in Ephesians 6.
I had already posted this here to share and then Friend Hubby ended up teaching on it during our Shabbat service. I love when we are in one accord!
I am thankful... That I got a new independent contractor position as a medical transcriptionist! I am going to keep my old job in the mornings (for now), but I am excited to get the opportunity to do something new!
I am wearing... The usual, my velour pant set. It is the warmest casual outfit I own.
I am creating... My yarn has been sitting on my desk for a few days. Need to get back to it. On the other hand, I worked a lot yesterday getting scheduled posts going for the Donalacasa Facebook page, but I see that in the process, I missed many of my regular posts. *sigh*
I am reading... I didn't really get much reading done last week either.
I am listening to....
This song was on my mind last week. It's funny because the person who first introduced the song to me is the pastor's wife that I mention below.
I am listening to....
This song was on my mind last week. It's funny because the person who first introduced the song to me is the pastor's wife that I mention below.
I am looking forward to... I think knitting club is again this Friday.
I am learning... How much a piece of work I am! Our congregation fasted over the past couple of weekends. This past weekend, the fast came just before I started my cycle. I can tell you that neither the words of my mouth, nor the meditation of my heart were acceptable in His sight. :-(
I have discussed before about how out of control I feel beginning at about day 21 of my cycle. I think that it would be a good habit for me to begin a 3-day fast EVERY MONTH beginning on day 21. Isaiah 58 discusses the purpose of fasting. If you notice, it is all OUTWARD focused. I get to day 21 of my cycle and life becomes all about ME. For me, this fast will be March 16-18. I would like to prepare for it ahead of time by making things for my family to eat so I don't have to go into the kitchen at all. It would be great if I could sequester myself and sit in sackcloth and ashes too, but I doubt I can pull that off.
As winter drags on and on, I am also keenly aware of how out of shape I am. I tried this test from our local news and failed miserably. "How Long Will You Live? 'Try the Sitting Rising Test.'"
One of my favorite things... For work on Sunday, I decided to try the Pomodoro Technique. I've used it for other things, but this was the first time I used it for work. It was VERY effective. I'm impressed. I have an app on my tablet called Clockwork Tomato that works on the Pomodoro principle.
A few plans for the rest of the week: I have been working my way through a course on Social Media. I plan to continue it in the evenings. I can knit while I watch the videos so it is a great use of time.
From the learning rooms...
I ordered these from Amazon. I think maybe we'll try to do 5 a day.
Junior: Boy Wonder has been sick this week, but I am trying to encourage him to put everything he needs to do for this week in one place so he can see at a glance what he needs to do and how much time he cannot afford to waste.
Junior: Boy Wonder has been sick this week, but I am trying to encourage him to put everything he needs to do for this week in one place so he can see at a glance what he needs to do and how much time he cannot afford to waste.
Freshman: Princess Butterfly is still behind on science and not much more than her co-op classes are getting done. I feel as if I have been hibernating. Winter is almost over. It is time to get busy!
Noticing that... Something our elder in our fellowship said something that I keep recognizing as a pattern both in my past and in the present. He said talked about how a spirit comes into a place and tries to establish dominance. We had seen that happen at the time he talked about it, but I just saw it play out on Facebook this weekend. It is not dominance in a physical place, but the enemy uses someone (I recognize it most in women, but that could be because I am a woman) to come into a place, sort of look around, and then immediately begin to challenge whomever is "in charge" in order to gain dominance and be looked at as a spiritual authority. They use anger, intimidation, and try to pass themselves off as the "humble" authority. Sometimes, other women, craving for attention jump on the bandwagon so they can share some of the limelight. I'm sure I've been guilty of it too, but my eyes are being opened to this particular trick of the enemy. The same scenario played out in my home many years ago between a family member and a pastor's wife. The family member is no longer living and I just learned yesterday that the pastor's wife is now divorced from her husband.
Ladies, be careful of having a "know-it-all" spirit. Be careful not to jump on the bandwagon of a woman who uses flattery, sarcasm, anger, and sharp words to try to manipulate you or others to shame people (especially other women) into subjection.
From the kitchen... This week I literally "threw together" some tortellini soup. It was approved. I don't have a recipe to give you.
Cheesy Sausage Pull Apart Breakfast Bake
Cheesy Sausage Pull Apart Breakfast Bake
It was okay. I used Immaculate Biscuits. I think the temperature was too high because it was still doughy in the middle.
Around the house... I am happy that I was able to do an hour of shredding old mail. I feel like I lost weight when I have the opportunity to do that. :-)
One of my favorite things... Princess Butterfly's friend's mother showed me how she was building her collection of Noritake china from the Salvation Army. Oh boy! I'm in trouble now. LOL
Honor where honor is due: http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/
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