Daybook: Monday, March 16, 2015

Outside my window... Partly cloudy and 62 degrees.  Yay, spring! 

I am thinking...About how blessed I am for our qahal in how we went downtown to minister on the streets to the homeless after our service on Shabbat.  On Thursday, we filled Blessing Bags with toiletries and snacks to hand out to people on the streets.  There were 11 of us, 4 of which were teens and 1 tween.  Friend Hubby and I have not done street ministry in 20 years.  We prayed with people on the street, but we also came home with a list of names for people to continue praying. 

I am thankful... For a "mini-women's conference" on the phone with one of my closest friend Ms. Sophia on a day when I was frustrated and confused.  

I am wearing... I went to the fancy mall with my daughters so I'm dressed a little more upscale than I do at home.  Definitely need to start a weight loss plan.  

I am creating... Nothing this week. 

I am reading... The Emperor of Ocean Park (5%).  I think Stephen L. Carter is swiftly becoming one of my favorite fiction authors.  

I am listening to....  

I am hoping... To pick up speed with the company that I started working for in the afternoons.  

I am looking forward to... Doing more outreach ministry with our qahal.  

From the learning rooms... This week is spring break for the co-ops.  Maybe we can do some catch up work.  We have read together 24% of Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe.  We are also doing some vocabulary together on our Pomodoro breaks.   

From the kitchen... My family's favorite breakfast:  Crustless Spinach Quiche.  

I really want to make this where it turns out well, but it hasn't happened yet.  Stuffed Cabbage

Around the house.. I spent 2 hours total in the kitchen last week moving things around, pulling stuff down from the tops of my cabinets and cleaning.  I think I may shoot for another 2 hours this week.   

One of my favorite things... Going to the fancy mall with my daughters the Grand Duchess and Princess Butterfly.  Girl time!    

Honor where honor is due:

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