Outside my window... It was a beautiful sunny day today with mild temperatures. Unfortunately, there is also a beast outside that causes Cedar Fever and even in my own home, I am not safe from it's dastardly effects.
I am thinking... My family got through another anniversary of Dancing Angel's passing. This is year number 11. Friend Hubby and I seem to sigh and say we miss her almost simultaneously at times. Tomorrow is the anniversary of her funeral. I keep being taken by surprise wondering why all these people on FB are posting about MLK. It's an afterthought, "Oh, yeah." That makes it the anniversary of my grandmother Mama Dear as well. Two days after that, it is the anniversary of my mother's passing as well. Have I said that I hate January recently? No? I hate January.
I am thankful... For an exhausting, yet very productive day.
I am wearing... Yoga pants and a sweater. Oh, and my new Isotoner house shoes that I love. I got a deal for buy one get a pair half off. I gave the other pair to Princess Butterfly.
I am creating... I am getting back to My Diva's blanket, but I have to make some corsage and hairpiece samples for the upcoming GS Father Daughter Dance. I'm thinking of teaching Princess Butterfly to sew by making a dress together. It is a princess father/daughter ball theme.
I am reading... I have been so tired lately, I haven't even picked up Defend and Betray. I'm still working slowly through Fierce Women. I like it more and more every day.
I am looking forward to... I don't know. I haven't planned anything special, except maybe sleep.
I am learning... 10 Tips for Getting More Done Every Single Day was helpful to me for starting my week out right. Instead of having to read my supervisor's nagging emails about coming in late, I made the sacrifice to get up early this morning and do my morning shift an hour and a half earlier than normal. Then my daughter and I were able to do a 9-11 cookie booth and not have to rush back home to get on the computer and be stressed out waiting for "that" email to arrive. I'm going to have to do that again a couple of more times this week too.
One of my favorite things... For running into a friend at the science fair yesterday. I think all homeschool moms should be put out to pasture in the same field when they've graduated their last. We will have a lot of catching up to do.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Oh the usual madness, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Teen Court, CAP, co-op, guitar lessons, cookie booths, school, and work. "Run, Forrest, run!"
From the learning rooms...
Sophomore: We are waiting on some curriculum to come in the mail this week. He finished Driver's Ed so I want to fill that class time with Health and Critical Thinking. I still need to look into his taking the CLEP for Biology. He is also practicing speed reading during our free reading time.
Eighth grader: I still haven't gotten 3rd quarter assignments up. Maybe I will do some things as I go this week. I wish I could take my laptop to a cookie booth and work on it there. *sigh* There is just never enough time in the day, is there?
Bible: We got all the way through the Sheepfold Gleanings Torah study last week. It was a really good lesson and explained how the Feast Days point to Y'shua. It was also great to have finished it.
Math: We may actually finish Saxon 76 before the end of next week! Whoo! Hoo!. Only one semester behind, which for my kids is somewhat good. I'm going to let her test in to Algebra 1/2. We do that by having her take the tests and the first one that she scores below 75% on is where she starts the book with its corresponding lesson.
History: We may finish From Colonies to Country this week. In addition to reading the book and the Source Book, I also have her read from a couple of other books. One talks about prominent African Americans during the same period of history called Discovering Black America: From the Age of Exploration to the Twenty-first Century by Linda Tarrant-Reid. The other is about teens who stepped up and did something courageous during that period of history. It is entitled, We were There, Too! : Young People in U.S. History by Phillip M. Hoose.
Noticing that... I can't please everyone, no matter how much I try to stretch myself to everyone's expectations. It used to stress me out a whole lot more than it does now. I know I'm not perfect. I don't need anyone to point out my flaws. They just might be next on Yehovah's list to work on, but I can only focus on one character building issue at a time. The older I get, the more I learn to just trust the process.
Pondering these words... “Watch and pray lest you enter into temptation. The spirit is willing and ready, but the body is weak.” ~ Mark 14:38 ABPE. Does this mean that we can avoid ALL temptation if we would be faithful in prayer? Hmm.
From the kitchen... When I got back from the cookie booth this morning, I made our weekly loaves of bread and also made some Winter Root Vegetable Soup. I did a bit of substituting. I have never seen parsnips or celery root sold in our grocery stores. As a matter-of-fact, I had to look them up in Google images so I'd know what I was looking for. I used carrots, yams, butternut squash (I discovered that Costco has them pre-cut), turnips, and rutabagas. It is very yummy.
Around the house... I made a concerted effort to clean off my desk. It looks nice.
Honor where honor is due: http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/
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